Tanghulu, a beloved Chinese treat, transforms humble fruits into crunchy delights reminiscent of a winter's tale. This traditional snack, often likened to candied fruit skewers, originated centuries ago. Its popularity has transcended borders, enchanting taste buds worldwide. Celebrate this Father's Day with a homemade Tanghulu recipe, offering both sweetness and nostalgia in every bite.


- Fresh fruit of your choice (commonly strawberries, grapes, or hawthorn berries)

- 1 cup granulated sugar

- 1/2 cup water

- Bamboo skewers or toothpicks


1. Prepare the Fruit:

  - Wash and thoroughly dry the fruit. It's essential that the fruit is completely dry before dipping into the sugar syrup.

2. Skewer the Fruit:

  - Insert bamboo skewers or toothpicks into each piece of fruit. Ensure they are securely inserted to hold the fruit while dipping.

3. Make the Sugar Syrup:

  - In a small saucepan, combine the granulated sugar and water over medium-high heat.

  - Stir until the sugar dissolves completely.

4. Cook the Syrup:

  - Once the sugar has dissolved, stop stirring and allow the syrup to come to a boil.

  - Continue boiling without stirring until the syrup reaches the hard crack stage on a candy thermometer (around 300°F or 150°C). Alternatively, you can test it by dropping a bit of syrup into cold water – it should harden immediately and become brittle.

5. Dip the Fruit:

  - Once the syrup is ready, carefully dip each skewered fruit into the hot sugar syrup, ensuring the fruit is evenly coated.

  - Let any excess syrup drip off before placing the coated fruit onto a parchment-lined baking sheet to cool and harden.

6. Cool and Serve:

  - Allow the tanghulu to cool and harden completely at room temperature. This may take about 15-20 minutes.

  - Once hardened, serve the tanghulu immediately for the best texture and flavor.


- Use Fresh and Firm Fruit: Fresh and firm fruit works best for tanghulu as they hold up well when dipped in hot syrup.

- Handle with Care: Be cautious when working with hot sugar syrup as it can cause severe burns.

- Variations: You can use different fruits according to your preference, but make sure they are firm enough to stay on the skewers.

Enjoy your homemade tanghulu!

Nutrition Value:

1. Fresh Fruit (e.g., strawberries, grapes, hawthorn berries):

- Nutritional Benefits:

 - Calories: Varies depending on the fruit type. For example, strawberries (1 cup sliced) have about 53 calories, grapes (1 cup) have around 104 calories, and hawthorn berries (1 cup) have approximately 87 calories.

 - Carbohydrates: Provides natural sugars for energy. For instance, strawberries have about 12 grams of carbs per cup, grapes around 27 grams, and hawthorn berries about 22 grams.

 - Fiber: Helps with digestion and satiety.

 - Vitamins and Minerals: Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants (e.g., flavonoids in berries), potassium, and other micronutrients depending on the fruit type.

- Health Risks:

 - Generally low, but some fruits (like grapes) have high natural sugars, which can be a concern for those monitoring their sugar intake.

2. Granulated Sugar (1 cup):

- Nutritional Components:

 - Calories: About 774 calories per cup.

 - Carbohydrates: Pure sucrose, providing 200 grams of carbs.

 - No significant vitamins, minerals, or protein.

- Health Risks:

 - High in empty calories and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess.

 - Raises blood sugar levels quickly, which can be problematic for diabetics or those with insulin resistance.

3. Water (1/2 cup):

- Nutritional Components:

 - Calories: None.

 - No carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.

- Health Benefits:

 - Essential for hydration and overall bodily functions.

 - Helps maintain proper body temperature and supports digestion.

4. Bamboo Skewers or Toothpicks:

- Nutritional Components:

 - Calories: Negligible (essentially zero).

 - No carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals.

- Health Considerations:

 - Generally safe, but caution is needed to avoid injury when handling.


- Tanghulu combines the natural goodness of fresh fruit with the sweetness of sugar, creating a treat rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber from the fruit. However, it's important to moderate sugar intake due to its high calorie content and potential impact on blood sugar levels. Water and bamboo skewers add minimal nutritional value but are crucial for preparing and enjoying this delightful snack safely.

Chef Culinary Creationss

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