Embark on a flavorful expedition through the heart of Botswana as we unravel the secrets of one of its most cherished dishes - Letlhodi. A culinary masterpiece deeply rooted in Botswana's rich cultural tapestry, Letlhodi is a dish that transcends mere sustenance, offering a sensory experience that reflects the country's history and traditions.

In this gastronomic exploration, we will delve into the origins of Letlhodi, uncovering the ingredients that contribute to its distinctive taste and texture. From the bustling markets of Gaborone to the serene villages nestled in the Okavango Delta, the essence of Letlhodi is woven into the very fabric of Botswana's culinary heritage.

Join us as we navigate the intricacies of preparing Letlhodi, a dish that not only satiates the appetite but also serves as a conduit for the preservation of Botswana's cultural identity. From the aromatic blend of spices to the harmonious combination of locally sourced ingredients, each step in the preparation of Letlhodi is a celebration of the nation's diverse flavors.

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, this journey promises to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to the heart of Botswana. Let's unlock the culinary secrets of Letlhodi and savor the authentic tastes of this enchanting African nation.


  • 1 kg tripe, cleaned and cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 2 large onions, finely chopped
  • 3 tomatoes, diced
  • 2 green peppers, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)


Prepare the Tripe:

1-Clean the tripe thoroughly under running water.

2-Cut the tripe into bite-sized pieces.

3-In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Add the tripe and boil for about 15-20 minutes to further clean and soften the tripe. Drain and set aside.

Sauté the Aromatics:

1-In a large skillet or pot, heat vegetable oil over medium heat.

2-Add chopped onions and cook until golden brown.

3-Stir in minced garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.

Spice it Up:Add ground coriander, cumin, paprika, and turmeric to the onion and garlic mixture. Stir well to coat the aromatics with the spices.

Add Tomatoes and Peppers:

1-Incorporate diced tomatoes and chopped green peppers into the spice mixture.

2-Allow the vegetables to cook down until the tomatoes release their juices and the peppers soften.

Introduce the Tripe:Transfer the boiled tripe to the pot, stirring to combine with the aromatic and vegetable mixture.

Buttermilk Addition:

1-Pour in the buttermilk, ensuring it is well-distributed throughout the dish.

2-Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir to combine.

Simmer to Perfection:Reduce the heat to low and let the Letlhodi simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the tripe is tender and the flavors have melded together.

Garnish and Serve:

1-Just before serving, sprinkle fresh chopped parsley over the Letlhodi for a burst of freshness and color.

2-Serve the Letlhodi hot, preferably over rice or with traditional Botswana side dishes.

Enjoy the rich flavors and cultural heritage encapsulated in this traditional Botswana dish – Letlhodi!

Nutritional Values

It's important to note that the nutritional values provided are approximate and can vary based on factors such as specific brands and preparation methods. The values below are general estimates based on commonly available data:

Tripe (1 kg):

  • Calories: 700 kcal
  • Protein: 70 g
  • Fat: 50 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Good source of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. May contribute to muscle health and overall energy levels.

Onions (2 large):

  • Calories: 100 kcal
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 24 g
  • Fiber: 4 g

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants, vitamins (such as vitamin C), and fiber. May have anti-inflammatory properties and support heart health.

Tomatoes (3 medium):

  • Calories: 60 kcal
  • Protein: 3 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 15 g
  • Fiber: 5 g

Benefits: High in vitamins (including vitamin C, potassium), antioxidants (lycopene), and fiber. May contribute to heart health and have anti-cancer properties.

Green Peppers (2 medium):

  • Calories: 30 kcal
  • Protein: 2 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7 g
  • Fiber: 2 g

Benefits: Excellent source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. May support immune function and digestive health.

Garlic (3 cloves):

  • Calories: 15 kcal
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Known for its potential antibacterial and antiviral properties. Contains antioxidants and may contribute to cardiovascular health.

Buttermilk (1 cup):

  • Calories: 100 kcal
  • Protein: 8 g
  • Fat: 6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Good source of calcium, vitamin D, and probiotics. May promote bone health and contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

Vegetable Oil (2 tablespoons):

  • Calories: 240 kcal
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 28 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Contains unsaturated fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. May contribute to heart health and provide essential fatty acids.

Ground Coriander (2 teaspoons):

  • Calories: 12 kcal
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 2 g
  • Fiber: 1 g

Benefits: Contains antioxidants and has potential anti-inflammatory properties. May aid digestion and contribute to overall gut health.

Ground Cumin (1 teaspoon):

  • Calories: 8 kcal
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 1 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Source of antioxidants, iron, and may have anti-inflammatory properties. Can aid digestion and support immune health.

Paprika (1 teaspoon):

  • Calories: 6 kcal
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 1 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Contains antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory properties. Can add flavor without extra calories.

Ground Turmeric (1 teaspoon):

  • Calories: 8 kcal
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 1 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Contains curcumin, which may have various health benefits, including potential anti-cancer effects.

Salt and Pepper:

  • Nutritional values vary. Salt and pepper are often used in small amounts and contribute minimal calories.

Benefits: Used in moderation, salt is essential for electrolyte balance. Pepper contains antioxidants and may aid digestion.

Fresh Parsley (for garnish):

  • Calories: 1 kcal
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g
  • Fiber: 0 g

Benefits: Rich in vitamins (such as vitamin K and vitamin C), antioxidants, and may have anti-inflammatory properties. Can contribute to overall health and well-being.

Please keep in mind that these values are approximate and can vary based on specific brands and preparation methods. Additionally, the values provided are per serving for each ingredient.


i'm just try to cook new things.
