Embark on a culinary journey through the vibrant and diverse flavors of Bangladesh with our step-by-step guide to making the quintessential Bengali sweet, Roshogolla. Known for its spongy texture and decadent sweetness, Roshogolla holds a special place in the hearts of dessert lovers across the country. This traditional delicacy is more than just a treat for the taste buds; it's a symbol of Bangladeshi culture and hospitality.

In this recipe, we will explore the art of creating the perfect Roshogolla, from curdling fresh milk to shaping and simmering these delightful sweets in a fragrant sugar syrup. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind achieving that coveted melt-in-the-mouth texture and the rich heritage that makes Roshogolla a beloved dessert in Bangladesh. Get ready to indulge in the sweet charm of Bengali cuisine as we guide you through the enchanting process of crafting your own batch of delectable Roshogollas.


For the Chhana (Paneer/Cheese):

  • 1 liter full-fat milk
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar or lemon juice

For the Sugar Syrup:

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A few strands of saffron (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon rose water (optional)


Preparing the Chhana (Paneer/Cheese):

1-In a large pan, bring the full-fat milk to a boil.

2-Once it boils, add the white vinegar or lemon juice and stir gently. The acid will cause the milk to curdle.

3-Once the milk solids separate from the whey, strain the mixture using a muslin cloth or a fine sieve.

4-Rinse the chhana under cold water to remove any traces of lemon or vinegar.

Kneading the Chhana:

1-Gather the chhana in the muslin cloth and squeeze out any excess water.

2-Place the chhana on a clean surface and knead it for 10-15 minutes until it becomes smooth and soft. This is crucial for the spongy texture of the Roshogolla.

Shaping the Roshogolla:Divide the kneaded chhana into small portions and roll them into smooth, crack-free balls. Make sure there are no cracks for the perfect texture.

Preparing the Sugar Syrup:

1-In a wide and deep pan, mix sugar and water, and bring it to a boil.

2-Add cardamom powder and saffron strands for flavor. Stir well.

3-Let the sugar syrup boil for 5-7 minutes until it slightly thickens.

Cooking the Roshogolla:

1-Gently drop the chhana balls into the simmering sugar syrup.

2-Cover the pan and let it cook on medium heat for 15-20 minutes. The Roshogollas will double in size.

Soaking and Cooling:Turn off the heat and let the Roshogollas soak in the sugar syrup for at least 1-2 hours. This allows them to absorb the sweetness.

Serve:Your Bangladesh Roshogolla is ready to be served! Optionally, sprinkle some additional cardamom powder or garnish with chopped pistachios for an extra touch.

Indulge in the delightfully spongy and sweet goodness of homemade Bangladesh Roshogolla!

Nutritional Values:

Here are approximate nutritional values for the listed ingredients:

1 liter full-fat milk:

  • Calories: 600
  • Protein: 32g
  • Fat: 32g
  • Carbohydrates: 48g
  • Calcium: 1200mg

Benefits: Rich in protein, calcium, and healthy fats. Supports bone health, provides essential nutrients, and contributes to overall well-being.

2 tablespoons white vinegar or lemon juice:

  • Calories: 0
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g

Benefits: Used to curdle the milk, separating the whey from the chhana (paneer). Adds acidity without significant nutritional content.

2 cups sugar:

  • Calories: 1600
  • Carbohydrates: 400g
  • Fat: 0g

Benefits: Provides energy and sweetness to the syrup. However, it should be consumed in moderation due to its high caloric content.

4 cups water:

  • Calories: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

Benefits: Used to make the sugar syrup, which gives the roshogollas their sweet taste. Essential for the cooking process.

1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder:

  • Calories: 6
  • Protein: 0.2g
  • Carbohydrates: 1.5g
  • Fat: 0.1g

Benefits: Adds a delightful aroma and flavor to the sugar syrup. Cardamom is known for its digestive properties and contains antioxidants.

A few strands of saffron (optional):

  • Calories: 0
  • Protein: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds a subtle and exotic flavor to the syrup. Saffron is known for its antioxidant properties and may have mood-enhancing effects.

1 teaspoon rose water (optional):

  • Calories: 0
  • Protein: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

Benefits: Imparts a fragrant and floral note to the syrup. Rose water is often used for its pleasant aroma and potential mild anti-inflammatory properties.

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on the specific brands and types of ingredients you use. Additionally, the nutritional values for optional ingredients like saffron and rose water are negligible since they are used in small amounts.


i'm just try to cook new things.
