Ca Kho To is a traditional Vietnamese dish that features caramelized fish cooked in a clay pot with a rich and flavorful sauce made from fish sauce, sugar, and spices. The dish has a long history in Vietnamese cuisine, dating back to ancient times when clay pots were commonly used for cooking. The combination of caramelization and the unique blend of spices gives Ca Kho To its distinctive taste, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike. This dish is often served with steamed rice, and its savory-sweet flavors make it a delightful addition to any Vietnamese meal.


- 500g fish fillets (such as catfish, basa, or tilapia)

- 3 tablespoons fish sauce

- 2 tablespoons sugar

- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

- 1 onion, sliced

- 3 cloves garlic, minced

- 1 red chili, sliced (optional for heat)

- 1 teaspoon black pepper

- 1/2 cup water

- Fresh cilantro or green onions for garnish

Method of Preparation:

1. Cut the fish fillets into bite-sized pieces and marinate them with 1 tablespoon of fish sauce for about 15 minutes.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining 2 tablespoons of fish sauce with sugar until the sugar dissolves.

3. Heat vegetable oil in a clay pot or deep skillet over medium heat. Add sliced onion, minced garlic, and sliced red chili (if using). Stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add the marinated fish to the pot and sprinkle black pepper over it. Cook until the fish is slightly browned on the edges.

5. Pour the fish sauce-sugar mixture over the fish and stir well to coat the fish evenly.

6. Add water to the pot, enough to cover the fish. Bring to a simmer, then reduce heat to low and cover the pot.

7. Let the fish simmer in the sauce for about 20-25 minutes or until the sauce thickens and caramelizes, and the fish is fully cooked.

8. Garnish with fresh cilantro or green onions before serving.

This recipe follows a simple and straightforward approach, suitable for both beginners and experienced cooks.

Nutrition Value:

1. Fish Fillets (500g):

  - Calories: Varies based on the type of fish (e.g., catfish, basa, tilapia) but typically around 200-250 calories per 100g.

  - Carbohydrates: Minimal, usually less than 1g per serving.

  - Protein: High, around 20-25g per 100g serving.

  - Fat: Low to moderate, approximately 5-10g per 100g serving.

  - Sodium: Varies depending on preparation, generally around 50-100mg per serving.

  - Cholesterol: Typically low, about 40-60mg per 100g serving.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium.

  - Nutritional benefits: Provides essential proteins and healthy fats, supports heart health, and contributes to overall nutrition.

2. Fish Sauce (3 tablespoons):

  - Calories: About 15 calories per tablespoon.

  - Carbohydrates: 0g.

  - Protein: 0g.

  - Fat: 0g.

  - Sodium: High, around 1000-1500mg per tablespoon.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Contains some iron and potassium.

  - Nutritional benefits: Adds flavor and umami to dishes, but use in moderation due to high sodium content.

3. Sugar (2 tablespoons):

  - Calories: About 30-40 calories per tablespoon.

  - Carbohydrates: 8-10g per tablespoon.

  - Protein: 0g.

  - Fat: 0g.

  - Sodium: 0mg.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: No significant vitamins or minerals.

  - Nutritional benefits: Provides quick energy but should be consumed in moderation due to its high sugar content.

4. Vegetable Oil (1 tablespoon):

  - Calories: About 120 calories per tablespoon.

  - Carbohydrates: 0g.

  - Protein: 0g.

  - Fat: 14g per tablespoon (mostly unsaturated fats).

  - Sodium: 0mg.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Contains vitamin E and small amounts of vitamin K.

  - Nutritional benefits: Adds healthy fats to the dish and aids in cooking.

5. Onion (1 medium, sliced):

  - Calories: Approximately 45-50 calories per medium onion.

  - Carbohydrates: Around 10-12g.

  - Protein: 1-2g.

  - Fat: 0g.

  - Sodium: 5-10mg.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate. Also contains potassium and manganese.

  - Nutritional benefits: Provides antioxidants, supports immune health, and adds flavor.

6. Garlic (3 cloves, minced):

  - Calories: About 5 calories per clove.

  - Carbohydrates: 1-2g per clove.

  - Protein: 0g.

  - Fat: 0g.

  - Sodium: 0mg.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: High in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. Also contains small amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium.

  - Nutritional benefits: Supports immune function, has antimicrobial properties, and adds flavor to dishes.

7. Red Chili (1, sliced, optional):

  - Calories: Around 5-10 calories per chili, depending on size and variety.

  - Carbohydrates: 1-2g.

  - Protein: 0g.

  - Fat: 0g.

  - Sodium: 0mg.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Also contains some vitamin B6 and potassium.

  - Nutritional benefits: Provides capsaicin, which may boost metabolism and have antioxidant properties.

8. Black Pepper (1 teaspoon):

  - Calories: Negligible (less than 5 calories per teaspoon).

  - Carbohydrates: Less than 1g.

  - Protein: Less than 1g.

  - Fat: Less than 1g.

  - Sodium: Negligible.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Contains small amounts of vitamin K, manganese, and iron.

  - Nutritional benefits: May aid digestion and has antioxidant properties.

9. Water (1/2 cup):

  - Calories: 0 calories.

  - Carbohydrates: 0g.

  - Protein: 0g.

  - Fat: 0g.

  - Sodium: 0mg.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: No significant nutrients.

  - Nutritional benefits: Hydrates the body and helps in cooking the dish.

10. Fresh Cilantro or Green Onions (for garnish):

  - Calories: Very low, negligible.

  - Carbohydrates: Negligible.

  - Protein: Negligible.

  - Fat: Negligible.

  - Sodium: Negligible.

  - Cholesterol: 0mg.

  - Vitamins and minerals: Good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

  - Nutritional benefits: Adds freshness, flavor, and visual appeal to the dish. Cilantro is also known for its detoxifying properties.

Chef Culinary Creationss

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