Goi Du Du Kho Bo, or Green Papaya Salad with Beef Jerky, Herbs, Peanuts, and Tangy Dressing, is a popular Vietnamese dish known for its refreshing flavors and textures. The salad typically features shredded green papaya, which adds a crisp and slightly tangy element to the dish. It is then mixed with savory beef jerky, aromatic herbs like mint and cilantro, crunchy peanuts for texture, and a tangy dressing made with ingredients like lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, and chili.

This dish has its roots in Vietnamese cuisine, where salads are often enjoyed as appetizers or light meals. The combination of ingredients reflects the balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors that are characteristic of Vietnamese cooking. Green papaya salads are also common in Southeast Asian cuisine, with variations in ingredients and dressings depending on the region.

Goi Du Du Kho Bo is not only delicious but also offers a nutritional boost. Green papaya is rich in vitamins C and A, while beef jerky provides protein and peanuts add healthy fats. The herbs and dressing contribute additional flavor profiles and nutrients, making this salad both flavorful and nutritious.


- 1 green papaya

- 100g beef jerky

- Fresh herbs (mint, cilantro)

- 50g peanuts

- 1 lime

- 2 tablespoons fish sauce

- 1 tablespoon sugar

- 1 red chili (optional)

- Lettuce leaves (for serving)

Method of Preparation:

1. Peel and shred the green papaya using a grater or mandoline slicer.

2. Cut the beef jerky into thin strips.

3. Chop the fresh herbs and crush the peanuts.

4. In a small bowl, mix lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, and chopped chili (if using) to make the dressing.

5. In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded papaya, beef jerky strips, chopped herbs, crushed peanuts, and the prepared dressing. Toss everything together until well combined.

6. Serve the salad on a bed of lettuce leaves.

Enjoy your Goi Du Du Kho Bo!

Nutrition Value:

1. Green Papaya:

  - Calories: Approximately 59 calories per 100g

  - Carbohydrates: 15g

  - Protein: 1g

  - Fat: 0.4g

  - Sodium: 8mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. Also contains vitamin E, vitamin K, and various B vitamins.

  - Minerals: Contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Green papaya is low in calories and fat but rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and A. It's also a good source of dietary fiber and antioxidants.

2. Beef Jerky (100g):

  - Calories: Approximately 410 calories

  - Carbohydrates: 10g

  - Protein: 50g

  - Fat: 20g

  - Sodium: 1600mg

  - Cholesterol: 95mg

  - Vitamins: Contains B vitamins like B12, niacin, and riboflavin.

  - Minerals: Rich in iron, zinc, and potassium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Beef jerky is a high-protein snack, providing essential amino acids for muscle repair and growth. However, it's also high in sodium and should be consumed in moderation.

3. Fresh Herbs (Mint, Cilantro):

  - Calories: Negligible (typically less than 5 calories per serving)

  - Carbohydrates: Negligible

  - Protein: Negligible

  - Fat: Negligible

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: Negligible

  - Vitamins: Mint is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Cilantro provides vitamin K and traces of vitamin A and C.

  - Minerals: Both herbs offer small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Fresh herbs like mint and cilantro add flavor and aroma to dishes without significant calories or macronutrients. They also contribute vitamins and minerals to the diet.

4. Peanuts (50g):

  - Calories: Approximately 290 calories

  - Carbohydrates: 9g

  - Protein: 12g

  - Fat: 24g

  - Sodium: 5mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: Rich in vitamin E and several B vitamins like niacin, folate, and thiamine.

  - Minerals: High in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Peanuts are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients. They provide energy, promote heart health, and support muscle function.

5. Lime (1 medium lime):

  - Calories: Approximately 20 calories

  - Carbohydrates: 7g

  - Protein: 0.5g

  - Fat: 0.1g

  - Sodium: 2mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: Very high in vitamin C. Also contains small amounts of vitamin A and potassium.

  - Minerals: Trace amounts of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Limes are a low-calorie source of vitamin C, which supports immune function, skin health, and iron absorption.

6. Fish Sauce (2 tablespoons):

  - Calories: Approximately 20 calories

  - Carbohydrates: 1g

  - Protein: 2g

  - Fat: 0g

  - Sodium: 2700mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: Contains small amounts of B vitamins.

  - Minerals: High in sodium and provides some iron.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Fish sauce adds umami flavor to dishes but is high in sodium. It should be used sparingly, especially for those watching their sodium intake.

7. Sugar (1 tablespoon):

  - Calories: Approximately 48 calories

  - Carbohydrates: 12g

  - Protein: 0g

  - Fat: 0g

  - Sodium: 0mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: None

  - Minerals: None

  - Nutritional Benefit: Sugar adds sweetness to dishes but provides empty calories without significant nutrients. It should be consumed in moderation.

8. Red Chili (optional):

  - Calories: Approximately 18 calories per chili

  - Carbohydrates: 4g

  - Protein: 1g

  - Fat: 0.2g

  - Sodium: 2mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: High in vitamin C and vitamin A.

  - Minerals: Contains potassium and small amounts of calcium and iron.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Red chili peppers add spice and heat to dishes and are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C.

9. Lettuce Leaves (for serving):

  - Calories: Approximately 5 calories per cup of shredded lettuce

  - Carbohydrates: 1g

  - Protein: 0.5g

  - Fat: 0g

  - Sodium: 5mg

  - Cholesterol: 0mg

  - Vitamins: Contains vitamin A, vitamin K, and small amounts of vitamin C and folate.

  - Minerals: Offers potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Lettuce leaves are low in calories and carbohydrates but provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals, especially vitamin A and K. They are a good source of hydration and can contribute to overall vegetable intake.

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