Discover the traditional Macedonian yogurt, Kiselo Mleko, with this easy-to-follow recipe. Perfectly tangy and creamy, Kiselo Mleko can be enjoyed plain or paired with your favorite meals. Learn how to make this nutritious yogurt at home and elevate your culinary experience with a taste of Macedonia.


- 1 liter whole milk

- 2 tablespoons plain yogurt (with live cultures)


Heat the Milk:

  - Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat until it reaches 85°C (185°F). Stir occasionally to prevent scorching.

Cool the Milk:

  - Remove the milk from heat and let it cool to 45°C (113°F). You can use a thermometer to check the temperature.

Add the Yogurt:

  - In a small bowl, mix the plain yogurt with a few tablespoons of the cooled milk to make a smooth mixture. Then, gently stir this mixture back into the rest of the cooled milk.


  - Pour the milk mixture into a clean container or jar. Cover it with a lid or plastic wrap. Place the container in a warm, draft-free area (such as an oven with the light on or a yogurt maker) and let it sit undisturbed for 6-12 hours, or until it thickens and develops a tangy flavor.


  - Once the yogurt has set, transfer it to the refrigerator and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.


  - Enjoy your homemade Kiselo Mleko plain or with fruits, honey, or as a side with your meals. 

Nutritional Values

Whole Milk (1 liter)

 - Calories: Approximately 620

 - Protein: 32 g

 - Fat: 34 g (including saturated fat)

 - Carbohydrates: 48 g (mainly from lactose)

 - Calcium: About 1200 mg

 - Vitamin D: Fortified in many countries


 - Bone Health: Rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for strong bones and teeth.

 - Muscle Health: Provides high-quality protein that supports muscle growth and repair.

 - Hydration: Contains a good amount of water and electrolytes, which helps with hydration.

Plain Yogurt (2 tablespoons, with live cultures)

 - Calories: Approximately 20-30

 - Protein: 1-2 g

 - Fat: 1-2 g

 - Carbohydrates: 2-4 g

 - Calcium: Varies, but generally around 60 mg per 2 tablespoons


 - Digestive Health: Contains live cultures (probiotics) that support a healthy gut microbiome and aid digestion.

 - Bone Health: Provides calcium, which is important for bone strength.

 - Immune Support: Probiotics may enhance immune function and protect against infections.

 - Nutrient Absorption: Helps improve the absorption of nutrients from other foods.


i'm just try to cook new things.
