Discover the classic flavors of Middle Eastern cuisine with this authentic Tabbouleh recipe. This refreshing salad features finely chopped parsley, ripe tomatoes, crisp onions, and wholesome bulgur, all dressed with a zesty blend of olive oil and lemon juice. Perfect as a side dish or a light meal, Tabbouleh is a nutritious choice that combines vibrant ingredients for a delicious and healthy salad.


- 1 cup bulgur wheat

- 1 1/2 cups boiling water

- 1 large bunch fresh parsley, finely chopped

- 2 medium tomatoes, diced

- 1 small onion, finely chopped

- 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, chopped (optional)

- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

- Juice of 2 lemons

- Salt and black pepper to taste


Prepare the Bulgur: Place the bulgur in a large bowl and pour the boiling water over it. Cover the bowl and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes, or until the bulgur is tender and the water is absorbed. Fluff with a fork and let it cool.

Combine Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the finely chopped parsley, diced tomatoes, chopped onion, and mint leaves if using.

Add Bulgur: Once the bulgur has cooled, add it to the bowl with the parsley mixture.

Dress the Salad: Drizzle the olive oil and lemon juice over the salad. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.

Mix and Serve: Toss the salad gently to combine all the ingredients. Adjust seasoning if needed. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving to allow flavors to meld.

Enjoy: Serve as a side dish or enjoy on its own as a light, refreshing meal.

Nutritional Values

Bulgur Wheat (1 cup)

- Calories: ~342

- Protein: ~12g

- Fat: ~1g

- Carbohydrates: ~76g

- Fiber: ~4g


- High in protein and fiber, which helps in digestion and maintaining satiety.

- Provides essential vitamins and minerals such as iron and B vitamins.

Fresh Parsley (1 large bunch, finely chopped)

- Calories: ~36

- Protein: ~3g

- Fat: ~0.8g

- Carbohydrates: ~6g

- Fiber: ~3.3g


- Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and provides antioxidants.

- Supports digestive health and may help reduce inflammation.

Tomatoes (2 medium, diced)

- Calories: ~18

- Protein: ~0.9g

- Fat: ~0.2g

- Carbohydrates: ~3.9g

- Fiber: ~1.2g


- High in vitamin C and lycopene, which have antioxidant properties.

- Supports heart health and skin health.

Onion (1 small, finely chopped)

- Calories: ~40

- Protein: ~1.1g

- Fat: ~0.1g

- Carbohydrates: ~9.3g

- Fiber: ~1.7g


- Provides antioxidants and sulfur compounds that support immune health.

- May have anti-inflammatory and heart health benefits.

Fresh Mint Leaves (1/4 cup, optional, chopped)

- Calories: ~70

- Protein: ~3g

- Fat: ~1g

- Carbohydrates: ~14g

- Fiber: ~8g


- Contains vitamins A and C, and has soothing properties for digestion.

- Adds a refreshing flavor and may aid in digestive health.

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (1/4 cup)

- Calories: ~884

- Protein: ~0g

- Fat: ~100g

- Carbohydrates: ~0g


- Rich in monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy.

- Contains antioxidants that can reduce inflammation.

Lemon Juice (Juice of 2 lemons)

- Calories: ~22

- Protein: ~0.3g

- Fat: ~0.1g

- Carbohydrates: ~6g

- Fiber: ~0.2g


- High in vitamin C, which supports immune health and skin health.

- Adds tangy flavor and aids in digestion.

Salt and Black Pepper (to taste)

- Calories: ~0

- Protein: ~0g

- Fat: ~0g

- Carbohydrates: ~0g

Nutritional Values (per 100g) Black Pepper:

- Calories: ~255

- Protein: ~10g

- Fat: ~3.3g

- Carbohydrates: ~64g


- Salt enhances flavor; use in moderation to manage sodium intake.

- Black pepper adds flavor and contains piperine, which may aid digestion.

This bulgur wheat salad is a nutritious and flavorful dish that combines high fiber and protein-rich bulgur wheat with fresh vegetables and herbs, offering a range of vitamins and minerals for a healthy meal.


i'm just try to cook new things.
