Chilean Cazuela is a beloved and comforting stew that has become a staple in Chilean cuisine. This hearty dish combines tender beef with a colorful medley of vegetables and aromatic spices, making it a popular choice for chilly weather.

The term "Cazuela" translates to "stew pot" in Spanish, reflecting the dish's deep roots in Chilean culture. For generations, Chilean families have relied on Cazuela as a satisfying meal that brings warmth and nourishment. Its rich flavors and versatility have made it a cherished part of Chilean culinary traditions.


- 1 lb (450 g) beef (such as chuck or brisket), cut into cubes

- 1 onion, chopped

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 1 carrot, chopped

- 1 potato, peeled and chopped

- 1 cup pumpkin, peeled and chopped

- 1 cup green beans, trimmed and chopped

- ½ cup corn kernels

- ½ cup peas

- 1 tsp cumin

- 1 tsp paprika

- 1 tsp oregano

- Salt and pepper to taste

- 6 cups water

- 1 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium-high heat.

2. Add the beef cubes and brown on all sides, about 5-7 minutes.

3. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, sauté until the onion is translucent, about 3-5 minutes.

4. Stir in the chopped carrot, potato, pumpkin, green beans, corn, and peas.

5. Season with cumin, paprika, oregano, salt, and pepper. Mix well.

6. Pour in the water and bring to a boil.

7. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and let simmer for 1 hour, or until the beef is tender and vegetables are cooked.

8. Remove from heat and let the stew cool slightly before serving.

9. Serve hot with rice, bread, or traditional Chilean pebre (a fresh salsa made from tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and lime juice).


- For best results, use tougher cuts of beef like chuck or brisket, which become tender when simmered.

- Feel free to add or substitute other vegetables such as squash, turnip, or celery.

- This stew can be made in advance and reheated. It often tastes even better the next day.

- Traditionally, Cazuela is enjoyed with pebre, adding an extra layer of flavor to the meal.

Chilean Cazuela is more than just a stew; it’s a taste of Chilean heritage and comfort in a bowl. Its combination of tender beef, fresh vegetables, and flavorful spices makes it a dish that is both nourishing and satisfying. Whether enjoyed during the colder months or any time you crave a hearty meal, Cazuela is sure to warm both your body and soul.

Nutrition Value:

1. 1 lb (450 g) beef (such as chuck or brisket), cut into cubes

  - Calories: 680

  - Carbohydrates: 0 g

  - Protein: 70 g

  - Fat: 45 g

  - Sodium: 150 mg

  - Cholesterol: 210 mg

  - Vitamins: Contains B vitamins, particularly B12 and niacin.

  - Minerals: Rich in iron, zinc, and phosphorus.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Beef provides high-quality protein, essential for muscle growth and repair. It is also a good source of iron, which supports red blood cell production and energy levels.

2. 1 onion, chopped

  - Calories: 45

  - Carbohydrates: 11 g

  - Protein: 1 g

  - Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 5 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: High in vitamin C, B6, and folate.

  - Minerals: Contains potassium and manganese.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Onions are known for their antioxidant properties, particularly from quercetin. They also provide immune-boosting vitamin C and help with digestion.

3. 2 cloves garlic, minced

  - Calories: 10

  - Carbohydrates: 2 g

  - Protein: 0.5 g

  - Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 1 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Contains vitamin C and B6.

  - Minerals: Provides calcium, potassium, and manganese.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Garlic has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It supports heart health and can help boost the immune system.

4. 1 carrot, chopped

  - Calories: 25

  - Carbohydrates: 6 g

  - Protein: 0.5 g

  - Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 40 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Rich in vitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamin K.

  - Minerals: Contains potassium and manganese.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Carrots are known for promoting eye health due to their high beta-carotene content. They also support immune function and provide dietary fiber.

5. 1 potato, peeled and chopped

  - Calories: 130

  - Carbohydrates: 30 g

  - Protein: 3 g

  - Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 10 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Good source of vitamin C and B6.

  - Minerals: Rich in potassium and magnesium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Potatoes provide a good source of energy and are high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance.

6. 1 cup pumpkin, peeled and chopped

  - Calories: 50

  - Carbohydrates: 12 g

  - Protein: 2 g

  - Fat: 0.2 g

  - Sodium: 10 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C.

  - Minerals: Contains potassium and magnesium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Pumpkin is high in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A, important for vision and immune function. It also provides fiber for digestive health.

7. 1 cup green beans, trimmed and chopped

  - Calories: 35

  - Carbohydrates: 8 g

  - Protein: 2 g

  - Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 5 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Good source of vitamin C and vitamin K.

  - Minerals: Contains manganese, iron, and potassium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Green beans provide vitamins and antioxidants, which help protect cells and support overall health. They are also a good source of fiber.

8. ½ cup corn kernels

  - Calories: 75

  - Carbohydrates: 18 g

  - Protein: 2 g

  - Fat: 1 g

  - Sodium: 10 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Contains vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

  - Minerals: Provides magnesium and phosphorus.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Corn is a good source of energy and provides essential vitamins and minerals. It also contributes dietary fiber, which aids in digestion.

9. ½ cup peas

  - Calories: 60

  - Carbohydrates: 11 g

  - Protein: 4 g

  - Fat: 0.5 g

  - Sodium: 5 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Rich in vitamin C and vitamin K.

  - Minerals: Contains iron, manganese, and phosphorus.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Peas offer a good source of plant-based protein and fiber. They support digestive health and provide important vitamins and minerals.

10. 1 tsp cumin

  - Calories: 8

  - Carbohydrates: 1 g

  - Protein: 0.4 g

  - Fat: 0.5 g

  - Sodium: 1 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Contains small amounts of vitamin A and C.

  - Minerals: Provides iron and manganese.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Cumin is known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. It also adds flavor without adding calories or sodium.

11. 1 tsp paprika

  - Calories: 6

  - Carbohydrates: 1 g

  - Protein: 0.3 g

  - Fat: 0.3 g

  - Sodium: 1 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Rich in vitamin A.

  - Minerals: Contains iron and potassium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Paprika provides antioxidants, including vitamin A, which supports eye health and the immune system.

12. 1 tsp oregano

  - Calories: 3

  - Carbohydrates: 1 g

  - Protein: 0.1 g

  - Fat: 0.1 g

  - Sodium: 0 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Contains vitamin K.

  - Minerals: Provides manganese and iron.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Oregano has antimicrobial properties and is rich in antioxidants. It contributes to overall health and adds flavor without extra calories.

13. Salt and pepper to taste

  - Salt: (1/4 tsp) - Calories: 0; Sodium: 575 mg

  - Pepper: (1/4 tsp) - Calories: 6; Sodium: 0 mg

  - Nutritional Benefit: Salt enhances flavor but should be used in moderation to avoid high sodium intake. Pepper adds minimal calories but can contribute to digestive health.

14. 6 cups water

  - Calories: 0

  - Carbohydrates: 0 g

  - Protein: 0 g

  - Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 0 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: None

  - Minerals: None

  - Nutritional Benefit: Water is essential for hydration and overall health, aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption.

15. 1 tbsp vegetable oil

  - Calories: 120

  - Carbohydrates: 0 g

  - Protein: 0 g

  - Fat: 14 g

  - Sodium: 0 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins: Contains vitamin E.

  - Minerals: Provides small amounts of magnesium and potassium.

  - Nutritional Benefit: Vegetable oil provides essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which support heart health and overall well-being.

This detailed breakdown covers the nutritional aspects and benefits of each ingredient, helping you understand their contributions to the recipe.


i'm just try to cook new things.
