Discover the irresistible flavor of Ka'i Ladrillo, a delectable sweet treat reminiscent of peanut brittle but with a unique twist. Made from premium peanuts and rich molasses, this confection offers a perfect balance of sweetness and nuttiness. Learn how to create this indulgent delight at home with our easy-to-follow recipe."


  - 2 cups peanuts (unsalted)

  - 1 cup granulated sugar

  - 1/2 cup light corn syrup

  - 1/4 cup water

  - 1 tablespoon butter

  - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  - 1/2 teaspoon baking soda


1-Prepare Your Work Surface: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set it aside. Also, have a silicone spatula or wooden spoon ready for stirring.

2-Toast the Peanuts: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Spread the peanuts evenly on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven for about 8-10 minutes, or until they are lightly golden brown. Keep an eye on them to prevent burning.

3-Prepare the Syrup Mixture: In a medium-sized saucepan, combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup, and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.

4-Cook to Soft-Ball Stage: Once the sugar has dissolved, stop stirring and attach a candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan. Cook the mixture until it reaches the soft-ball stage, which is around 235-240°F (113-116°C). This usually takes about 5-7 minutes.

5-Add Butter and Peanuts: Once the syrup reaches the soft-ball stage, remove it from the heat. Quickly stir in the butter, vanilla extract, and toasted peanuts until everything is well combined.

6-Add Baking Soda: Sprinkle the baking soda over the mixture and quickly stir it in. Be prepared for the mixture to foam up a bit.

7-Spread onto the Baking Sheet: Immediately pour the hot mixture onto the prepared baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Use the silicone spatula or wooden spoon to spread it out evenly to your desired thickness. Work quickly, as the mixture will start to harden fast.

8-Let it Cool: Allow the Ka'i Ladrillo to cool completely at room temperature for about 1-2 hours, or until it hardens completely.

9-Break into Pieces: Once cooled and hardened, break the Ka'i Ladrillo into bite-sized pieces. Enjoy immediately, or store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.

10-Serve and Enjoy: Enjoy the crunchy, nutty sweetness of your homemade Ka'i Ladrillo! It's perfect as a snack or a delightful treat to share with friends and family.

Nutritional Values :

Peanuts (2 cups):

  - Calories: 1046 kcal

  - Total Fat: 88 g

  - Saturated Fat: 12 g

  - Sodium: 7 mg

  - Total Carbohydrates: 34 g

  - Dietary Fiber: 12 g

  - Sugars: 6 g

  - Protein: 48 g


  - Rich in monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy and may help lower bad cholesterol levels.

  - Excellent source of protein, providing essential amino acids for muscle repair and growth.

  - High in fiber, promoting digestive health and helping to keep you feeling full.

  - Packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, which support overall health and wellbeing.

Granulated Sugar (1 cup):

  - Calories: 774 kcal

  - Total Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 1 mg

  - Total Carbohydrates: 200 g

  - Sugars: 200 g

  - Protein: 0 g


  - Provides quick energy due to its high carbohydrate content.

  - Adds sweetness to the recipe, making it more palatable and enjoyable.

  - While high in calories, when consumed in moderation, it can be part of a balanced diet.

Light Corn Syrup (1/2 cup):

  - Calories: 515 kcal

  - Total Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 100 mg

  - Total Carbohydrates: 133 g

  - Sugars: 93 g

  - Protein: 0 g


  - Acts as a sweetener and binder in the recipe, helping to hold the ingredients together.

  - Provides sweetness without adding additional flavor, allowing the other ingredients to shine.

  - While it's a source of simple carbohydrates, using it sparingly in recipes can be part of a balanced diet.

Butter (1 tablespoon):

  - Calories: 102 kcal

  - Total Fat: 12 g

  - Saturated Fat: 7 g

  - Cholesterol: 31 mg

  - Sodium: 85 mg

  - Total Carbohydrates: 0 g

  - Protein: 0 g


  - Adds richness and flavor to the Ka'i Ladrillo.

  - Contains fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, which are important for various bodily functions.

  - Provides a source of energy and helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins from other foods.

Vanilla Extract (1 teaspoon):

  - Calories: 12 kcal

  - Total Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 0 mg

  - Total Carbohydrates: 0.5 g

  - Sugars: 0.5 g

  - Protein: 0 g


  - Enhances the flavor of the Ka'i Ladrillo with its sweet and aromatic qualities.

  - May have antioxidant properties that help protect against cell damage.

  - Adds a pleasant aroma to the recipe, enhancing the overall sensory experience.

Baking Soda (1/2 teaspoon):

  - Calories: 0 kcal

  - Total Fat: 0 g

  - Sodium: 616 mg

  - Total Carbohydrates: 0 g

  - Protein: 0 g


  - Helps leaven the mixture, making the Ka'i Ladrillo light and airy.

  - Aids in browning and caramelization during baking.

  - Can help neutralize acidity in the recipe, balancing flavors and improving texture.

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as brand, specific type of ingredient, and preparation method. Additionally, the values are provided per the quantities listed in the recipe.


i'm just try to cook new things.
