Easter Paska, a traditional Eastern European bread, holds deep significance in Easter celebrations. This sweet and rich loaf, often adorned with symbolic decorations, symbolizes the joy and abundance of the Easter season. Its history traces back centuries, rooted in religious and cultural traditions. Originally made with ingredients like eggs, butter, and sugar, Paska has evolved over time, with various regional variations adding unique flavors and textures. Today, it remains a beloved staple on Easter tables, cherished for its delicious taste and symbolic meaning of renewal and rebirth.


- 4 cups all-purpose flour

- 1/2 cup sugar

- 1/2 teaspoon salt

- 1 packet (2 1/4 teaspoons) active dry yeast

- 1/2 cup milk

- 1/2 cup unsalted butter

- 3 large eggs

- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

- 1/2 cup raisins (optional)

- Powdered sugar, for dusting (optional)


1. In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of flour, sugar, salt, and yeast.

2. In a small saucepan, heat milk and butter over low heat until butter melts. Remove from heat and let it cool until warm.

3. Beat eggs and vanilla into the milk mixture.

4. Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, stirring until well combined.

5. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.

6. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes.

7. Place the dough in a greased bowl, turning once to grease the top. Cover and let it rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

8. Punch down the dough and knead in raisins if desired.

9. Shape the dough into a round loaf and place it on a greased baking sheet. Cover and let it rise until doubled, about 30 minutes.

10. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

11. Bake the bread for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.

12. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.

13. Dust with powdered sugar before serving if desired. Enjoy your Easter Paska!

Nutrition Value:

1. All-Purpose Flour:

  - Calories: Approximately 455 calories per cup

  - Carbohydrates: About 95 grams per cup

  - Protein: Roughly 13 grams per cup

  - Fat: Minimal (less than 2 grams per cup)

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: Contains small amounts of iron, calcium, and B vitamins

  - Nutritional benefit: Provides energy from carbohydrates and some protein, along with small amounts of essential nutrients like iron and B vitamins.

2. Sugar:

  - Calories: Approximately 387 calories per 1/2 cup

  - Carbohydrates: About 100 grams per 1/2 cup

  - Protein: None

  - Fat: None

  - Sodium: None

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: Negligible

  - Nutritional benefit: Provides quick energy from carbohydrates but lacks significant nutritional value.

3. Salt:

  - Calories: Negligible

  - Carbohydrates: None

  - Protein: None

  - Fat: None

  - Sodium: Around 1,150 milligrams per teaspoon

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: None

  - Nutritional benefit: Adds flavor and helps regulate the yeast's fermentation process but should be consumed in moderation due to its high sodium content.

4. Active Dry Yeast:

  - Calories: Approximately 7 calories per teaspoon

  - Carbohydrates: About 1 gram per teaspoon

  - Protein: Approximately 1 gram per teaspoon

  - Fat: None

  - Sodium: Around 3 milligrams per teaspoon

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: Contains small amounts of B vitamins and minerals like selenium and potassium

  - Nutritional benefit: A source of protein and B vitamins, essential for the bread's rising process.

5. Milk:

  - Calories: Approximately 60 calories per 1/2 cup (skim milk) to 80 calories per 1/2 cup (whole milk)

  - Carbohydrates: About 6 grams per 1/2 cup

  - Protein: Approximately 4 grams per 1/2 cup

  - Fat: Around 2.5 grams per 1/2 cup (skim milk) to 4.5 grams per 1/2 cup (whole milk)

  - Sodium: Varies based on type, typically around 50-100 milligrams per 1/2 cup

  - Cholesterol: Around 10-15 milligrams per 1/2 cup

  - Vitamins and minerals: Rich in calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12

  - Nutritional benefit: Provides protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients for bone health and overall well-being.

6. Unsalted Butter:

  - Calories: Approximately 800 calories per 1/2 cup

  - Carbohydrates: Negligible

  - Protein: Negligible

  - Fat: Around 92 grams per 1/2 cup

  - Sodium: Trace amounts

  - Cholesterol: Around 240 milligrams per 1/2 cup

  - Vitamins and minerals: Contains vitamin A and small amounts of vitamin E and K

  - Nutritional benefit: Rich in fat-soluble vitamins and provides flavor and moisture to the bread.

7. Eggs:

  - Calories: Approximately 70 calories per large egg

  - Carbohydrates: Less than 1 gram per egg

  - Protein: Around 6 grams per egg

  - Fat: Around 5 grams per egg

  - Sodium: Around 70 milligrams per egg

  - Cholesterol: Around 185 milligrams per egg

  - Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamin D, vitamin B12, and other B vitamins, as well as minerals like iron and zinc

  - Nutritional benefit: Excellent source of high-quality protein and essential nutrients for overall health.

8. Vanilla Extract:

  - Calories: Approximately 12 calories per teaspoon

  - Carbohydrates: About 0.5 grams per teaspoon

  - Protein: None

  - Fat: None

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: Negligible

  - Nutritional benefit: Adds flavor without significant nutritional value.

9. Raisins (optional):

  - Calories: Approximately 130 calories per 1/4 cup

  - Carbohydrates: About 35 grams per 1/4 cup

  - Protein: Around 1 gram per 1/4 cup

  - Fat: None

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: Rich in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants like resveratrol

  - Nutritional benefit: Provides natural sweetness, fiber, and antioxidants to the bread.

10. Powdered Sugar (optional):

  - Calories: Approximately 30 calories per tablespoon

  - Carbohydrates: About 8 grams per tablespoon

  - Protein: None

  - Fat: None

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: None

  - Vitamins and minerals: Negligible

  - Nutritional benefit: Adds sweetness and aesthetic appeal but lacks significant nutritional value.

Chef Culinary Creationss

I am a passionate chef, dedicated to crafting exceptional culinary experiences.
