Eton Mess or Strawberry Eton Mess it's a Iconic British dessert with strawberries,whipped cream,and crispy meringue for a perfect blend of sweetness and crunch.

Originating from Eton College's annual cricket match against Harrow School, the dessert's history intertwines with the prestigious event. Legend has it that in the late 19th century, a pavlova-like dessert was accidentally crushed, giving birth to what is now known as Eton Mess. Since then, it has become a beloved part of British culinary tradition, cherished for its simplicity and deliciousness. Today, Eton Mess continues to delight dessert enthusiasts around the world, offering a taste of English heritage with every spoonful.


- 500g fresh strawberries, hulled and quartered

- 300ml double cream (heavy cream)

- 50g icing sugar (powdered sugar)

- 4-6 store-bought meringue nests, broken into chunks


1. In a large mixing bowl, whip the double cream and icing sugar together until soft peaks form.

2. Gently fold in the quartered strawberries and broken meringue nests, being careful not to overmix to maintain a chunky texture.

3. Spoon the mixture into serving glasses or bowls, layering with extra strawberries and meringue if desired.

4. Serve immediately, or chill in the refrigerator until ready to enjoy.

Nutrition Value:

1. Fresh Strawberries (500g):

- Calories: Approximately 160 calories

- Carbohydrates: About 40g

- Protein: Around 2g

- Fat: Less than 1g

- Sodium: Less than 1mg

- Cholesterol: 0mg

- Vitamins: High in vitamin C, providing over 100% of the recommended daily intake per serving. Also a good source of folate (vitamin B9) and manganese.

- Minerals: Contains potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants like anthocyanins and quercetin.

- Nutritional Benefits: Strawberries are low in calories and packed with antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. They also promote heart health, regulate blood sugar levels, and support healthy digestion.

2. Double Cream (300ml):

- Calories: Approximately 1200 calories

- Carbohydrates: Less than 10g

- Protein: About 7g

- Fat: Around 120g

- Sodium: Approximately 100mg

- Cholesterol: Around 400mg

- Vitamins: Contains some vitamins A, D, and E, but not significant amounts.

- Minerals: Provides small amounts of calcium.

- Nutritional Benefits: Double cream is high in calories and fat, making it a rich source of energy. However, it's also high in saturated fat and cholesterol, so it should be consumed in moderation. It adds creaminess and richness to the dessert.

3. Icing Sugar (50g):

- Calories: Approximately 200 calories

- Carbohydrates: About 50g

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Sodium: 0mg

- Cholesterol: 0mg

- Vitamins: None

- Minerals: None

- Nutritional Benefits: Icing sugar is essentially refined sugar with no significant nutritional benefits. It's used primarily for sweetness and texture in desserts like Eton Mess. However, consuming excessive amounts of refined sugar can contribute to health issues like weight gain and tooth decay.

4. Meringue Nests (4-6 store-bought):

- Calories: Varies, approximately 50-70 calories per nest

- Carbohydrates: Around 10-15g per nest

- Protein: Approximately 1g per nest

- Fat: Less than 1g per nest

- Sodium: Less than 50mg per nest

- Cholesterol: 0mg

- Vitamins: Negligible amounts

- Minerals: Negligible amounts

- Nutritional Benefits: Meringue nests are primarily made from egg whites and sugar, providing some protein and energy. However, they are also high in sugar and should be enjoyed in moderation. The crunchy texture they add to Eton Mess contrasts nicely with the soft cream and juicy strawberries.

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