Colombia is known for its abundant and diverse fruits, and one of the best ways to showcase them is through a delicious and refreshing exotic fruit salad.

When selecting your fruits, it's important to choose ones that are ripe and in season. The best way to do this is to visit a local farmers' market or grocery store that carries a wide variety of fresh produce. Look for fruits that are firm but yield slightly to pressure, and avoid any that are bruised or overly soft.

Once you have your fruits, it's time to prepare them for the salad. Wash them thoroughly under cold running water and then cut them into bite-sized pieces. Be sure to remove any seeds, pits, or rinds as necessary.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the orange juice, honey, and lime juice until the honey is completely dissolved. This mixture will serve as the dressing for the salad and will add a delicious sweet-tart flavor to the fruits.

Combine the fruits in a large bowl and pour the dressing over the top. Gently toss the fruits to ensure that they are coated with the dressing, then cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

Just before serving, sprinkle the chopped mint leaves over the top of the salad and toss gently once more. The mint leaves add a refreshing herbal note to the salad and help to balance out the sweetness of the fruits.

You can serve the salad in individual bowls or on a platter, depending on your preference. It's a perfect dish for a summer picnic or barbecue, and it's also a great way to introduce your friends and family to the exotic fruits of Colombia.

Enjoy the vibrant colors and flavors of this delicious salad, and be sure to savor every bite!

Here is a step-by-step guide to making your own Colombian-style exotic fruit salad, along with some notes and nutrition facts.


1- 2 cups diced papaya

2- 2 cups diced mango

3- 2 cups diced pineapple

4- 2 cups diced watermelon

5- 2 cups diced cantaloupe

6- 1 cup fresh orange juice

7- 1/4 cup honey

8- 1/4 cup lime juice

9- 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint leaves


1- Wash all fruits thoroughly and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Remove the seeds and rinds as necessary.

2- In a large bowl, combine the papaya, mango, pineapple, watermelon, and cantaloupe.

3- In a separate small bowl, whisk together the orange juice, honey, and lime juice until the honey is dissolved.

4- Pour the juice mixture over the fruit and toss gently to combine.

5- Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

6- Just before serving, sprinkle the chopped mint leaves over the top of the salad and toss once more.

7- Serve the salad cold in individual bowls or on a platter.


1- You can use any combination of fresh fruits that you like in this salad, as long as they are ripe and in season.

2- To make this salad more visually appealing, consider using a variety of colors and textures in your fruit selection.

3- If you don't have fresh orange juice on hand, you can use bottled orange juice or even substitute with another citrus juice, such as grapefruit or lemon.

4- This salad can be made up to 24 hours in advance, but the mint leaves should be added just before serving to prevent them from wilting.

Nutrition Facts (per serving):

  • Calories: 163
  • Fat: 1g
  • Carbohydrates: 41g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Sugar: 32g
  • Protein: 2g
  • Vitamin A: 123% DV
  • Vitamin C: 201% DV
  • Calcium: 4% DV
  • Iron: 6% DV

This exotic fruit salad is a refreshing and healthy way to enjoy the bounty of Colombian fruits. With its combination of sweet and tangy flavors, it's sure to be a hit at your next summer gathering or dinner party. Enjoy!


i'm just try to cook new things.
