Nuegados are a cherished Salvadoran dessert made from a blend of grated yuca (cassava), mashed sweet potato, and corn masa. These sweet, golden-brown treats are fried to a crispy perfection and are often enjoyed with a drizzle of syrup or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. They offer a delightful combination of textures and flavors that reflect the rich culinary heritage of El Salvador.

Nuegados have deep roots in Salvadoran culture, originating from the indigenous peoples of Central America. The use of yuca, sweet potatoes, and corn masa in Nuegados highlights the fusion of indigenous ingredients with Spanish influences. Yuca and sweet potatoes are native to the region, while corn masa reflects the Spanish colonial impact on Salvadoran cuisine. Traditionally prepared for special occasions and family gatherings, Nuegados embody the cultural pride and continuity of Salvadoran culinary traditions.


- 2 cups grated yuca (cassava), peeled

- 1 cup mashed sweet potato

- 1 cup corn masa

- 1 teaspoon baking powder

- ½ teaspoon salt

- Vegetable oil for frying


1. Prepare the Dough: In a large bowl, mix the grated yuca, mashed sweet potato, corn masa, baking powder, and salt until smooth and pliable. Add a small amount of water if the dough feels too dry.

2. Shape the Nuegados: Roll the dough into golf ball-sized portions and flatten slightly to form discs. Shape as desired.

3. Fry the Nuegados: Heat vegetable oil in a deep pan over medium-high heat. Fry the Nuegados in batches, turning them until golden brown on both sides (about 3-4 minutes per side). Drain on paper towels.

4. Serve and Garnish: Serve warm, with toppings like cane syrup, honey, condensed milk, or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar.


- Handle yuca carefully due to its natural toxins; peel and grate thoroughly.

- Substitute grated cassava flour or tapioca starch if yuca is unavailable.

- Best enjoyed fresh and warm for optimal crispness.

Nutrition Value:

1. 2 cups grated yuca (cassava), peeled

- Calories: Approximately 330 calories

- Carbohydrates: 80 grams

- Protein: 2 grams

- Fat: 0 grams

- Sodium: 10 milligrams

- Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

- Vitamins: Rich in Vitamin C, small amounts of Vitamin A

- Minerals: Good source of potassium, magnesium, and calcium

- Nutritional Benefit: Yuca provides a significant amount of energy due to its high carbohydrate content. It also supports immune health with Vitamin C and promotes heart health with potassium.

2. 1 cup mashed sweet potato

- Calories: Approximately 180 calories

- Carbohydrates: 41 grams

- Protein: 4 grams

- Fat: 0 grams

- Sodium: 70 milligrams

- Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

- Vitamins: High in Vitamin A, also provides Vitamin C and Vitamin B6

- Minerals: Good source of potassium and manganese

- Nutritional Benefit: Sweet potatoes are excellent for vision health due to their high Vitamin A content. They also aid in digestion and support immune function with Vitamins C and B6.

3. 1 cup corn masa

- Calories: Approximately 220 calories

- Carbohydrates: 46 grams

- Protein: 4 grams

- Fat: 2 grams

- Sodium: 0 milligrams

- Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

- Vitamins: Contains small amounts of Vitamin B6

- Minerals: Provides magnesium, phosphorus, and iron

- Nutritional Benefit: Corn masa is a good source of carbohydrates for energy. It also contributes to bone health with magnesium and iron.

4. 1 teaspoon baking powder

- Calories: 1 calorie

- Carbohydrates: 0 grams

- Protein: 0 grams

- Fat: 0 grams

- Sodium: 495 milligrams

- Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

- Vitamins: None

- Minerals: Contains sodium

- Nutritional Benefit: Baking powder helps leaven the dough, contributing to its texture rather than providing significant nutritional benefits.

5. ½ teaspoon salt

- Calories: 0 calories

- Carbohydrates: 0 grams

- Protein: 0 grams

- Fat: 0 grams

- Sodium: 1,150 milligrams

- Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

- Vitamins: None

- Minerals: Provides sodium

- Nutritional Benefit: Salt enhances flavor but should be used sparingly to avoid excessive sodium intake, which can affect blood pressure and overall health.

6. Vegetable oil for frying

- Calories: Approximately 120 calories per tablespoon

- Carbohydrates: 0 grams

- Protein: 0 grams

- Fat: 14 grams

- Sodium: 0 milligrams

- Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

- Vitamins: Contains Vitamin E in some oils

- Minerals: None

- Nutritional Benefit: Vegetable oil provides essential fatty acids and can contribute to energy. However, it is high in calories and should be used in moderation to avoid excess fat consumption.


i'm just try to cook new things.
