Discover the ultimate comfort food with our Parené Buchty recipe—steamed sweet dumplings that are a delightful treat filled with your choice of jam or chocolate. Perfect for breakfast or dessert, these soft and fluffy dumplings are easy to make and incredibly satisfying. Follow our step-by-step guide to create these delicious steamed treats and impress your family and friends.


- For the Dough:

 - 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour

 - ¼ cup sugar

 - 1 packet (2 ¼ tsp) active dry yeast

 - ½ cup milk, warm

 - ¼ cup butter, melted

 - 1 large egg

 - ½ tsp salt

- For the Filling:

 - ½ cup fruit jam (e.g., apricot, raspberry) or

 - ½ cup chocolate chips or chopped chocolate

- For Steaming:

 - Parchment paper, cut into squares

 - Cooking spray


Prepare the Dough:

  - In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm milk and let it sit for about 5 minutes, until frothy.

  - In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and salt. Create a well in the center and add the yeast mixture, melted butter, and egg. Mix until a soft dough forms.

  - Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5-7 minutes, until smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a cloth, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

Shape the Dumplings:

  - Once the dough has risen, punch it down and divide it into 12 equal portions.

  - Flatten each portion into a small disc and place a teaspoon of jam or a few chocolate chips in the center.

  - Fold the dough around the filling and pinch the edges to seal. Shape each dumpling into a ball.

Prepare for Steaming:

  - Cut parchment paper into squares large enough to place the dumplings on.

  - Place each dumpling on a parchment square and lightly spray with cooking spray to prevent sticking.

Steam the Dumplings:

  - Set up a steamer or a large pot with a steaming rack. Bring water to a simmer.

  - Place the parchment with dumplings on the steaming rack, making sure they are not touching.

  - Cover and steam for about 15-20 minutes, or until the dumplings are cooked through and fluffy.


  - Allow the dumplings to cool slightly before serving. Enjoy them warm, dusted with powdered sugar if desired.


- You can customize the filling with your favorite jam or chocolate. For a richer flavor, use dark chocolate or add a touch of vanilla extract to the dough.

- Make sure to leave enough space between dumplings during steaming, as they will expand.

Enjoy your Parené Buchty as a delightful treat for any time of day!

Nutritional values

All-Purpose Flour (2 ½ cups or 300g):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 364

   - Protein: 10g

   - Carbohydrates: 76g

   - Fat: 1g

Benefits: Provides essential carbohydrates for energy and helps with the texture and structure of baked goods.

Sugar (¼ cup or 50g):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 387

   - Protein: 0g

   - Carbohydrates: 100g

   - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds sweetness to the dough and helps in the activation of yeast.

Active Dry Yeast (1 packet or 7g):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 325

   - Protein: 40g

   - Carbohydrates: 37g

   - Fat: 7g

Benefits: Essential for leavening the dough, contains B vitamins, protein, and minerals that aid in metabolism and overall health.

Milk (½ cup or 120ml, warm):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100ml):

   - Calories: 42

   - Protein: 3.4g

   - Carbohydrates: 5g

   - Fat: 1g

Benefits: Provides protein, calcium, and vitamins. Helps in dough consistency and enhances flavor.

Butter (¼ cup or 56g, melted):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 717

   - Protein: 1g

   - Carbohydrates: 0g

   - Fat: 81g

Benefits: Adds richness and flavor, provides healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Large Egg (1 or about 50g):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 143

   - Protein: 13g

   - Carbohydrates: 1g

   - Fat: 10g

Benefits: Provides high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals essential for overall health.

Salt (½ tsp or 3g):

   - Calories: 0

   - Protein: 0g

   - Carbohydrates: 0g

   - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Enhances flavor and controls yeast growth. Important for electrolyte balance but should be used in moderation.

Fruit Jam (½ cup or 160g):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 250

   - Protein: 0.5g

   - Carbohydrates: 65g

   - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds sweetness and flavor, provides some vitamins and antioxidants depending on the fruit used.

Chocolate Chips or Chopped Chocolate (½ cup or 90g):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 100g):

   - Calories: 500

   - Protein: 4g

   - Carbohydrates: 60g

   - Fat: 30g

Benefits: Adds rich flavor and sweetness. Contains antioxidants and provides energy through sugars and fats.

Parchment Paper (cut into squares):

  - Approximate Nutritional Values: 

   - Calories: 0

   - Protein: 0g

   - Carbohydrates: 0g

   - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Used to prevent sticking and makes cleaning easier. 

Cooking Spray:

  - Approximate Nutritional Values (per 1 second spray):

   - Calories: 0-5

   - Protein: 0g

   - Carbohydrates: 0g

   - Fat: 0.5g

Benefits: Reduces sticking and adds a thin layer of oil without adding much fat or calories.


i'm just try to cook new things.
