Discover the unique flavor of Bajtra, a prickly pear liqueur made from the vibrant fruit of the prickly pear cactus. Our easy-to-follow recipe guides you through the process of creating this delicious and exotic liqueur at home. Perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your cocktails or enjoying on its own. Learn how to infuse the prickly pear’s sweet and tangy notes into a delightful liqueur with our step-by-step instructions.


- 1 liter of high-proof vodka or neutral spirit

- 10-12 ripe prickly pears (cactus fruit)

- 1 cup granulated sugar

- 1 cup water

- 1 cinnamon stick (optional)

- 1 vanilla bean (optional)


Prepare the Prickly Pears:

  - Carefully peel the prickly pears using gloves to avoid the tiny spines. Cut the peeled fruit into small chunks.

  - Place the fruit pieces in a large, clean jar.

Infuse the Spirit:

  - Pour the vodka or neutral spirit over the prickly pear chunks in the jar.

  - Seal the jar tightly and place it in a cool, dark place. Let it infuse for at least 2-3 weeks, shaking the jar gently every few days.

Make the Syrup:

  - In a saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  - If using, add the cinnamon stick and vanilla bean to the syrup mixture. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes, then remove from heat and let it cool.

Strain and Combine:

  - After the infusion period, strain the prickly pear and spirit mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean bowl or another jar, discarding the fruit solids.

  - Mix the cooled syrup into the strained liqueur.

Bottle and Age:

  - Transfer the finished liqueur into clean bottles and seal tightly.

  - Allow the Bajtra to age for at least another 2-3 weeks to develop its flavors fully. The longer it ages, the richer the flavor.


  - Enjoy your homemade Bajtra on its own, over ice, or as a unique ingredient in cocktails.


- Use ripe prickly pears for the best flavor and color.

- Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste preference.

- Experiment with additional spices or herbs for personalized flavor variations.

Enjoy your refreshing Bajtra liqueur, a true taste of exotic sweetness!

Nutritional Values:

Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit):

   - Calories: 41 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 10 g

   - Dietary Fiber: 3.6 g

   - Protein: 0.7 g

   - Fat: 0.5 g

   - Vitamin C: 25 mg (42% of Daily Value)

   - Magnesium: 85 mg (21% of Daily Value)


   - Rich in Antioxidants: Prickly pear contains betalains, polyphenols, and flavonoids, which help reduce oxidative stress and protect cells from damage.

   - High in Fiber: Supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and helping to manage blood sugar levels.

   - Hydrating: With a high water content, prickly pears are excellent for keeping the body hydrated.

   - Supports Immune Health: The vitamin C content helps boost the immune system and aids in the absorption of iron.

   - Anti-inflammatory Properties: Helps reduce inflammation, making it beneficial for conditions like arthritis.

Vodka or Neutral Spirit:

  - Nutritional Values (per 1 oz/30 ml):

   - Calories: 64-70 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 0 g

   - Protein: 0 g

   - Fat: 0 g


   - Moderation is Key: While alcohol has no direct health benefits, moderate consumption may be linked to improved cardiovascular health. However, excessive intake can lead to various health problems.

   - Base for Herbal Infusions: Acts as a carrier for the flavors and potential benefits of herbs and fruits in liqueurs, allowing for the preservation of certain beneficial compounds.

Granulated Sugar:

   - Calories: 49 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 12.6 g

   - Sugar: 12.6 g

   - Protein: 0 g

   - Fat: 0 g


   - Quick Energy Source: Sugar provides a rapid source of energy for the body. However, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid negative health impacts, such as weight gain or increased risk of chronic diseases.

   - Flavor Enhancer: Adds sweetness to balance the tartness of the prickly pear, making the liqueur more palatable.

Cinnamon Stick (Optional):

   - Calories: 5 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 2.1 g

   - Fiber: 1.4 g

   - Protein: 0.1 g

   - Fat: 0 g


   - Antioxidant Rich: Contains polyphenols that help fight oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

   - Blood Sugar Regulation: May help reduce blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity.

   - Anti-inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for chronic conditions.

   - Supports Heart Health: May reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Vanilla Bean (Optional):

   - Calories: 15 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 3.3 g

   - Protein: 0.1 g

   - Fat: 0.1 g


   - Antioxidant Properties: Contains vanillin, which has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from damage.

   - Mood Enhancer: The scent of vanilla is known to have calming effects and can improve mood.

   - Anti-inflammatory: May help reduce inflammation and has been traditionally used to relieve digestive discomfort.

General Notes:

- Moderation is Essential: While ingredients like prickly pear offer health benefits, the alcohol content in liqueurs should be consumed in moderation to avoid potential health risks.

- Customizing Sweetness: You can adjust the sugar content in the recipe according to your dietary needs and taste preferences.

These nutritional values and benefits can help you appreciate the balance between flavor and health in your homemade Bajtra liqueur.


i'm just try to cook new things.
