Embark on a culinary journey to the tropical paradise of the Cayman Islands with this flavorful and vibrant dish – Cayman Islands Callaloo. This traditional Caribbean delicacy is a celebration of fresh, local ingredients and a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region. Bursting with colors and flavors, Cayman Islands Callaloo combines the nutritious goodness of leafy greens with the indulgent creaminess of coconut milk, creating a dish that is as nourishing as it is delicious. Whether you're looking to recreate a taste of the Caribbean or simply craving a wholesome and satisfying meal, this recipe promises to transport your taste buds to sun-soaked shores and azure waters. So, let's dive in and discover the irresistible flavors of Cayman Islands Callaloo!


  • 1 bunch of fresh Callaloo leaves (substitute spinach if unavailable)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 bell pepper, diced
  • 1 tomato, chopped
  • 1 scotch bonnet pepper, seeded and minced (optional, for heat)
  • 1 can of coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1- Wash the Callaloo leaves thoroughly and remove any tough stems. Chop the leaves coarsely and set aside.

2- In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic, and sauté until softened and fragrant.

3- Add the diced bell pepper and chopped tomato to the pot, and cook for another 2-3 minutes until the vegetables are slightly softened.

4- If using scotch bonnet pepper for heat, add it to the pot now.

5- Stir in the chopped Callaloo leaves and cook until wilted, about 5-7 minutes.

6- Pour in the coconut milk, stirring well to combine. Allow the mixture to simmer gently for 10-15 minutes, until the flavors have melded together and the Callaloo is tender.

7- Season the Callaloo stew with salt and pepper to taste, adjusting the seasoning as needed.

8- Serve hot as a main dish with rice and beans, or as a side dish alongside your favorite Caribbean fare.

9- Enjoy the taste of the Caribbean with this nutritious and flavorful Cayman Islands Callaloo!

Nutritional Values:

Here are the approximate nutritional values for the ingredients used in the Cayman Islands Callaloo recipe:

Fresh Callaloo leaves (1 bunch, approximately 200g):

  • Calories: 33
  • Carbohydrates: 6g
  • Protein: 5g
  • Fat: 1g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Vitamin A: 6600 IU (132% DV)
  • Vitamin C: 240mg (400% DV)
  • Iron: 5mg (28% DV)
  • Calcium: 400mg (40% DV)


  • Rich source of vitamins A and C, which support immune function and promote healthy skin and vision.
  • High in iron, aiding in the production of red blood cells and preventing anemia.
  • Contains calcium for strong bones and teeth.

Onion (1 medium):

  • Calories: 44
  • Carbohydrates: 10g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Vitamin C: 10mg (17% DV)
  • Vitamin B6: 0.2mg (10% DV)


  • Contains flavonoids and antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of certain cancers.
  • Good source of vitamin C, which supports immune health and collagen production.
  • Provides dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes gut health.

Garlic (2 cloves):

  • Calories: 8
  • Carbohydrates: 2g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Vitamin C: 1mg (2% DV)
  • Manganese: 0.1mg (5% DV)


  • Contains compounds like allicin, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • May help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Rich in antioxidants that support overall health and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Bell pepper (1 medium):

  • Calories: 25
  • Carbohydrates: 6g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Vitamin C: 152mg (253% DV)
  • Vitamin A: 3726 IU (75% DV)


  • Excellent source of vitamin C, which boosts immunity and promotes skin health.
  • Contains antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which support eye health.
  • Provides fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting satiety.

Tomato (1 medium):

  • Calories: 22
  • Carbohydrates: 5g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Vitamin C: 15mg (25% DV)
  • Vitamin A: 1025 IU (21% DV)
  • Vitamin K: 8.4mcg (11% DV)


  • Rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
  • Good source of vitamin C, supporting immune function and collagen production.
  • Contains vitamin K and potassium, important for bone health and blood pressure regulation.

Scotch bonnet pepper (1 pepper):

  • Calories: 6
  • Carbohydrates: 1g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Vitamin C: 140mg (233% DV)
  • Vitamin A: 1246 IU (25% DV)


  • Contains capsaicin, which may help reduce inflammation and promote weight loss.
  • Rich in vitamin C, supporting immune function and skin health.
  • May have antimicrobial properties, helping to fight infections.

Coconut milk (1 can, 13.5 oz):

  • Calories: 792
  • Carbohydrates: 16g
  • Protein: 8g
  • Fat: 84g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Vitamin C: 6mg (10% DV)
  • Calcium: 85mg (9% DV)
  • Iron: 6mg (33% DV)


  • Provides healthy fats that support brain health and hormone production.
  • Contains lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties and may boost immune function.
  • Rich source of manganese, supporting bone health and metabolism.

Olive oil (1 tablespoon):

  • Calories: 119
  • Fat: 14g
  • Vitamin E: 1.9mg (9% DV)
  • Vitamin K: 8.1mcg (10% DV)


  • Rich in monounsaturated fats, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation.
  • Contains antioxidants like vitamin E, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Supports brain health and may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

(Note: Nutritional values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as brand, ripeness, and cooking methods.)


i'm just try to cook new things.
