Discover how to make Sujuk, the traditional Lebanese spicy sausage. This flavorful recipe features ground meat seasoned with a blend of aromatic spices, creating a delicious and versatile sausage perfect for grilling, sautéing, or adding to your favorite dishes. Learn step-by-step how to prepare this beloved Lebanese delicacy from scratch.


- 1 lb (450 g) ground beef or lamb

- 2 tbsp garlic, minced

- 1 tbsp ground cumin

- 1 tbsp ground coriander

- 1 tbsp ground paprika

- 1 tsp ground cinnamon

- 1 tsp ground allspice

- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)

- 1 tsp black pepper

- 1 tsp salt

- 2 tbsp red wine vinegar

- 1/4 cup crushed ice

- Sausage casings (optional)


Prepare the Meat: In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground beef or lamb with minced garlic. Mix thoroughly to distribute the garlic evenly.

Add Spices: Add cumin, coriander, paprika, cinnamon, allspice, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and salt to the meat mixture. Mix well to ensure all the spices are evenly incorporated.

Incorporate Liquids: Stir in the red wine vinegar and crushed ice. The ice helps keep the meat mixture cool and facilitates better texture in the sausage.

Stuff the Sausages (Optional): If using sausage casings, rinse them thoroughly and soak them in water. Stuff the casings with the meat mixture, being careful not to overfill. Twist into individual sausages and tie the ends. If not using casings, shape the mixture into logs or patties.

Refrigerate: Place the sausages on a tray and refrigerate for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to develop.

Cook: Grill, pan-fry, or bake the Sujuk sausages until fully cooked and browned on the outside. Cooking time will vary depending on the method used.

Serve: Enjoy Sujuk hot, sliced, or as part of your favorite dishes. It pairs wonderfully with bread, salads, or in a wrap.

Enjoy making and savoring your homemade Sujuk, a flavorful staple of Lebanese cuisine!

Nutritional Values:

Ground Beef or Lamb:

- Nutritional Values (per 3 oz serving): Approximately 250 calories, 22 g protein, 20 g fat, 8 g saturated fat, 70 mg cholesterol, 0 g carbs.

Benefits: Provides high-quality protein and essential nutrients like iron and zinc, which are vital for muscle maintenance, immune function, and overall health.


- Nutritional Values (per 1 clove): About 4 calories, 1 g protein, 1 g carbs, 0 g fat.

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and compounds like allicin, garlic has been shown to support cardiovascular health, boost the immune system, and possess anti-inflammatory properties.

Ground Cumin:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): About 8 calories, 0.4 g protein, 0.4 g fat, 1.4 g carbs.

Benefits: Cumin is known for its digestive benefits, including promoting digestion and reducing bloating. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ground Coriander:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): Approximately 5 calories, 0.3 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 0.9 g carbs.

Benefits: Coriander seeds are high in antioxidants, can aid in digestion, and have been linked to reducing blood sugar levels and supporting heart health.

Ground Paprika:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): About 6 calories, 0.3 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 1.2 g carbs.

Benefits: Paprika contains vitamins A and C, both of which are important for vision health and immune function. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Ground Cinnamon:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): Approximately 6 calories, 0.1 g protein, 0.03 g fat, 2 g carbs.

Benefits: Cinnamon is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Ground Allspice:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): About 6 calories, 0.2 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 1.5 g carbs.

Benefits: Allspice contains compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It may aid in digestion and alleviate pain due to its analgesic effects.

Cayenne Pepper:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): Around 6 calories, 0.2 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 1.2 g carbs.

Benefits: Cayenne pepper is known for its metabolism-boosting effects and contains capsaicin, which has been linked to pain relief, improved circulation, and weight management.

Black Pepper:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): About 6 calories, 0.2 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 1.5 g carbs.

Benefits: Black pepper is rich in piperine, which enhances nutrient absorption and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


- Nutritional Values (per 1 tsp): About 0 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 0 g carbs, 2300 mg sodium.

Benefits: While salt is essential for maintaining fluid balance and nerve function, it should be used in moderation to avoid excessive sodium intake, which can lead to health issues like hypertension.

Red Wine Vinegar:

- Nutritional Values (per 1 tbsp): Approximately 3 calories, 0 g protein, 0 g fat, 1 g carbs.

Benefits: Red wine vinegar can aid in digestion and may have benefits for blood sugar control and weight management. It also adds a tangy flavor to dishes without adding many calories.

Crushed Ice:

- Nutritional Values: 0 calories.

Benefits: Ice is used primarily for its cooling effect in the preparation of sausages and does not contribute nutritional value. It helps in maintaining the texture and freshness of the meat mixture.

These ingredients collectively contribute to the nutritional profile and health benefits of Sujuk, offering a range of vitamins, minerals, and health-promoting compounds.


i'm just try to cook new things.
