Embark on a culinary journey through the rich and diverse flavors of Albania, where traditional recipes hold the key to unlocking the essence of the country's cultural heritage. Among the myriad of delectable dishes that grace Albanian tables, one stands out as a sweet sensation that captivates both locals and visitors alike – Tullumba. This delightful dessert, with its origins deeply rooted in Albanian tradition, is a testament to the nation's passion for savoring life's sweet moments.

In this culinary exploration, we'll unravel the secrets behind the preparation of Tullumba, a beloved sweet treat that has become a symbol of warmth, hospitality, and celebration in Albanian homes. From its humble beginnings to the mouthwatering final result, join us as we delve into the art of crafting Tullumba and discover the magic that makes this dessert a cherished part of Albania's culinary tapestry. Get ready to embrace the sweetness of Albanian culture as we guide you through the steps of creating your own batch of Tullumba – a treat that promises to leave your taste buds dancing and your heart longing for more.

Here's a simple recipe for making Albania's Tullumba, the deep-fried dough soaked in sugar syrup. Enjoy this delightful treat!

Tullumba Recipe


For the Dough:

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vegetable oil for frying

For the Sugar Syrup:

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Optional: A cinnamon stick or a few cloves for flavor (optional)


Prepare the Sugar Syrup:

1-In a saucepan, combine sugar and water for the syrup.

2-Place over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.

3-Add lemon juice (and optional spices if desired).

4-Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes until the syrup thickens slightly.

5-Remove from heat and let it cool while you prepare the dough.

Make the Dough:

1-In a mixing bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and a pinch of salt.

2-In a separate bowl, mix water, yogurt, and melted butter.

3-Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, stirring continuously until a smooth, thick batter forms.

Fry the Tullumba:

1-Heat vegetable oil in a deep fryer or a heavy-bottomed pan to 350°F (180°C).

2-Fill a pastry bag or a plastic bag with a corner cut off with the dough mixture.

3-Squeeze small strips (about 3 inches long) directly into the hot oil, using scissors or a knife to cut the dough.

4-Fry until golden brown, turning them for even cooking. This should take about 2-3 minutes per side.

Soak in Sugar Syrup:

1-As soon as the Tullumba are golden brown, remove them from the oil and place them directly into the cooled sugar syrup.

2-Let them soak for a few minutes, ensuring the syrup coats each piece.


1-Once soaked, transfer the Tullumba to a serving platter.

2-Optionally, sprinkle with chopped nuts or cinnamon for extra flavor.

3-Serve warm and enjoy the delightful sweetness of Albanian Tullumba!

Now, you have a batch of delicious Tullumba ready to be enjoyed with family and friends. This delightful dessert is perfect for celebrations or simply to satisfy your sweet cravings.

Nutritional Values:

Here are approximate nutritional values for the listed ingredients. Keep in mind that these values are estimates and may vary based on specific brands and variations in product composition:

Nutritional Values per Serving (Assuming 10 servings):

For the Dough:

2 cups all-purpose flour:

  • 880 calories
  • 2g fat
  • 180g carbohydrates
  • 24g protein
  • 6g fiber

benefits: A good source of carbohydrates, it provides energy and serves as the main structure for the dough.

1 cup water:

  • 0 calories

benefits: Essential for hydration and forming the dough consistency.

1/2 cup yogurt:

  • 60 calories
  • 3g fat
  • 4g carbohydrates
  • 4g protein

benefits: Adds moisture and a slight tang to the dough, contributing to its texture and

2 tablespoons melted butter:

  • 200 calories
  • 22g fat
  • 0g carbohydrates
  • 0g protein

benefits: Introduces richness and flavor to the dough, enhancing its taste and mouthfeel.

1 teaspoon baking soda:

  • negligible calories

benefits: Acts as a leavening agent, helping the dough rise and become light and airy.

A pinch of salt:

  • negligible calories

benefits: Enhances the overall flavor of the dough, balancing sweetness and bringing out other tastes.

Vegetable oil for frying:

  • 120 calories per tablespoon (estimate, depending on absorption)

benefits: Provides the medium for frying, giving the Tullumba a golden and crispy exterior. While high in calories, it adds a satisfying texture.

For the Sugar Syrup:

2 cups sugar:

  • 1600 calories
  • 0g fat
  • 400g carbohydrates
  • 0g protein

benefits: Sweetens the syrup and coats the Tullumba, providing the main source of sweetness and energy.

1 cup water:

  • 0 calories

benefits: Creates the liquid base for the syrup, helping to dissolve the sugar and form a sweet coating.

1 tablespoon lemon juice:

  • 4 calories
  • 0g fat
  • 1g carbohydrates
  • 0g protein

benefits: Adds a hint of acidity to balance the sweetness and contribute a refreshing taste.


  • A cinnamon stick or a few cloves (negligible calories)

benefits: Infuses the syrup with additional flavor, creating a more complex and aromatic profile.

Total Nutritional Values per Serving:

  • Calories: Approximately 2925 calories per batch (excluding frying oil)
  • Fat: Approximately 27g
  • Carbohydrates: Approximately 585g
  • Protein: Approximately 34g
  • Fiber: Approximately 6g

These values are provided for general reference and may not be entirely accurate due to variations in ingredient brands and specific quantities used. It's advisable to use these estimates as a rough guideline and adjust based on your specific ingredients and portion sizes.


i'm just try to cook new things.
