Discover how to make delicious Pârjoale, Romanian fried meat patties packed with minced meat, finely chopped onions, rice, and a blend of aromatic spices. This easy-to-follow recipe will guide you through creating crispy and flavorful patties perfect for any meal. Learn the steps and tips to achieve the perfect texture and taste in every bite.


- 500g minced beef or pork (or a mix of both)

- 1 cup cooked rice

- 1 large onion, finely chopped

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 1 egg

- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

- 1 teaspoon ground cumin

- 1 teaspoon paprika

- 1 teaspoon dried thyme

- Salt and black pepper to taste

- 1 cup all-purpose flour (for coating)

- Vegetable oil (for frying)


Prepare the Mixture:

  - In a large bowl, combine the minced meat, cooked rice, chopped onion, minced garlic, and egg. Mix well until all ingredients are thoroughly incorporated.

Add Spices:

  - Stir in the chopped parsley, ground cumin, paprika, dried thyme, salt, and black pepper. Mix again to ensure the spices are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Shape the Patties:

  - With wet hands, shape the meat mixture into small, flat patties about 1/2 inch thick.

Coat the Patties:

  - Place the flour in a shallow dish and lightly coat each patty with flour, shaking off any excess.

Heat the Oil:

  - In a large skillet or frying pan, heat about 1/4 inch of vegetable oil over medium-high heat until hot.

Fry the Patties:

  - Carefully add the patties to the hot oil, being sure not to overcrowd the pan. Fry the patties for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and cooked through.

Drain and Serve:

  - Remove the patties from the oil and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess oil. Serve warm.

Enjoy your homemade Pârjoale with a side of your favorite dipping sauce or as a delicious addition to a meal!

Nutritional Value

Minced Beef/Pork

   - Calories: 250-300 kcal

   - Protein: 17-20g

   - Fat: 20-25g

   - Iron: 2.6mg


   - High Protein: Essential for muscle repair and growth.

   - Iron: Supports oxygen transport in the blood.

   - B Vitamins: Important for energy metabolism and brain function.

Cooked Rice

   - Calories: 130 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 28g

   - Protein: 2.4g

   - Fiber: 0.4g


   - Energy Source: Rich in carbohydrates, providing a quick energy boost.

   - Low in Fat: Good for heart health and weight management.

   - Gluten-Free: Suitable for those with gluten intolerance.


   - Calories: 40 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 9g

   - Fiber: 1.7g

   - Vitamin C: 7.4mg


   - Antioxidants: Contains quercetin, which fights inflammation.

   - Digestive Health: High in fiber, aiding digestion.

   - Immune Support: Rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.


   - Calories: 149 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 33g

   - Protein: 6.4g

   - Vitamin C: 31.2mg


   - Antibacterial Properties: Helps combat infections.

   - Heart Health: Can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

   - Immune Boost: Enhances immune function with its antiviral properties.


   - Calories: 72 kcal

   - Protein: 6g

   - Fat: 5g

   - Vitamin D: 1mcg


   - Complete Protein: Contains all essential amino acids.

   - Brain Health: Rich in choline, important for brain function.

   - Eye Health: Provides lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect against eye diseases.


   - Calories: 36 kcal

   - Vitamin K: 1640mcg

   - Vitamin C: 133mg

   - Folate: 152mcg


   - Bone Health: High in vitamin K, essential for bone strength.

   - Antioxidant: Protects cells from damage with its high vitamin C content.

   - Detoxification: Acts as a natural diuretic, promoting kidney health.

Flour (All-Purpose)

   - Calories: 364 kcal

   - Carbohydrates: 76g

   - Protein: 10g

   - Fiber: 2.7g


   - Energy Source: High in carbohydrates, providing sustained energy.

   - B Vitamins: Contains thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin, which are important for energy production.

   - Versatility: Acts as a binder in recipes, improving texture and structure.

Vegetable Oil

   - Calories: 120 kcal

   - Fat: 14g

   - Saturated Fat: 2g

   - Vitamin E: 2mg


   - Heart Health: Contains unsaturated fats that can reduce bad cholesterol.

   - Antioxidant: Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative damage.

   - Essential Fatty Acids: Necessary for brain function and cell growth. 

These ingredients combine to make a nutritious dish that provides protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals essential for overall health.


i'm just try to cook new things.
