Indulge in the rich culinary heritage of Galicia with our exquisite Rosca de Reyes, a cherished tradition celebrated during the Epiphany season. Rooted in Galician culture, this version of the Epiphany cake offers a unique twist on the classic recipe, showcasing the region's distinctive flavors and culinary craftsmanship.

Handcrafted with meticulous care, our Galician Rosca de Reyes is a decadent delight, boasting a tender, golden crumb infused with hints of local ingredients like almonds, honey, and Galician dairy. Embellished with candied fruits and a sprinkle of sugar, each bite encapsulates the warmth and spirit of Galicia's festive traditions.

Gather your loved ones and partake in the joyous tradition of sharing this symbolic cake, as we honor the journey of the Three Wise Men and celebrate the revelation of Christ's birth. Experience the magic of Galicia with every slice of our Rosca de Reyes, where tradition meets taste in a celebration of culinary artistry.


For the dough:

  • 500g all-purpose flour
  • 100g sugar
  • 100g butter, softened
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup warm milk
  • 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

For the filling and decoration:

  • 100g candied fruits (such as figs, oranges, cherries), chopped
  • 50g blanched almonds, chopped
  • 50g honey
  • 1 egg, beaten (for egg wash)
  • Sugar crystals for sprinkling
  • Whole almonds for garnish


1- In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm milk and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes frothy.

2- In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, salt, lemon zest, and orange zest. Add the softened butter and eggs, then pour in the yeast mixture. Mix until a dough forms.

3- Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for about 8-10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover it with a clean kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-2 hours, or until doubled in size.

4- Once the dough has risen, punch it down and knead it briefly to release any air bubbles. Divide the dough into two equal portions.

5- Roll each portion of dough into a long rope, about 18-20 inches in length. Twist the two ropes together to form a braided ring, pinching the ends together to seal.

6- Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Place the braided dough ring on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

7- In a small bowl, mix together the chopped candied fruits, chopped almonds, and honey. Spread this mixture evenly over the top of the dough ring.

8- Brush the dough with beaten egg, then sprinkle sugar crystals over the top. Place whole almonds on top for decoration.

9- Bake the Rosca de Reyes in the preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through.

10- Once baked, remove the Rosca de Reyes from the oven and let it cool slightly before serving. Enjoy this traditional Galician treat with friends and family during the Epiphany season!

Nutritional Values :

All-purpose flour (500g):

  • Calories: 1800 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 375g
  • Protein: 50g
  • Fat: 2g
  • Fiber: 15g

benefits : Provides carbohydrates for energy, fiber for digestion, and some protein.

Sugar (100g):

  • Calories: 387 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 100g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : Provides quick energy but should be consumed in moderation.

Butter (100g):

  • Calories: 717 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Protein: 0.5g
  • Fat: 81g

benefits : a source of fat-soluble vitamins and adds richness to the dough.

Eggs (3 large):

  • Calories: 210 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1.5g
  • Protein: 18g
  • Fat: 15g

benefits : Excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin B12 and selenium.

Milk, whole (1/2 cup):

  • Calories: 75 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 6g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Fat: 4g

benefits : Rich in calcium, protein, and vitamins, particularly vitamin D, essential for bone health.

Active dry yeast (1 tablespoon):

  • Calories: 23 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 3g
  • Protein: 3g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : A leavening agent that helps the dough rise and provides B vitamins.

Lemon zest (Zest of 1 lemon):

  • Calories: 4 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : Adds flavor and contains vitamin C and antioxidants.

Orange zest (Zest of 1 orange):

  • Calories: 6 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 2g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : Adds flavor and contains vitamin C and antioxidants.

Salt (1/2 teaspoon):

  • Calories: 0 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : Enhances flavor and helps regulate fluid balance in the body.

Candied fruits (100g):

  • Calories: 300 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 80g
  • Protein: 0g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : Adds sweetness and texture, but should be consumed in moderation due to their high sugar content

Blanched almonds (50g):

  • Calories: 320 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 12g
  • Protein: 12g
  • Fat: 28g

benefits : Good source of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamin E.

Honey (50g):

  • Calories: 148 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 40g
  • Protein: 0.5g
  • Fat: 0g

benefits : Natural sweetener with antibacterial properties and contains antioxidants and minerals.

Whole almonds (for garnish):

  • Calories: 7 kcal (per almond)
  • Carbohydrates: 0.3g
  • Protein: 0.3g
  • Fat: 0.6g

benefits : Provides healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamin E.

Please keep in mind that these values are based on typical nutritional information for each ingredient and may vary depending on factors such as brand, specific product variations, and serving sizes.


i'm just try to cook new things.
