Discover the traditional flavors of the Balkans with this authentic Sarma recipe. These delicious cabbage rolls are filled with a savory mixture of minced meat and rice, slow-cooked to perfection. Perfect for family gatherings or a comforting meal, this recipe brings the rich taste of Eastern Europe straight to your kitchen. Learn how to make this classic dish step by step with easy-to-follow instructions.


- 1 large cabbage (blanched, leaves separated)

- 500g minced meat (beef, pork, or a mix)

- 1 cup rice (uncooked)

- 1 large onion (finely chopped)

- 2 cloves garlic (minced)

- 1 carrot (grated)

- 2 tbsp tomato paste

- 1 tsp paprika

- Salt and pepper to taste

- 1 tsp dried dill or fresh dill (optional)

- 2 tbsp olive oil

- 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth

- 1 bay leaf


Prepare the Cabbage: Blanch the cabbage by boiling it in a large pot of salted water for 10-15 minutes. Remove the leaves carefully and set aside.

Make the Filling: In a large bowl, mix the minced meat, rice, chopped onion, garlic, grated carrot, paprika, salt, pepper, and dill. Combine well.

Stuff the Cabbage Leaves: Place a spoonful of the meat mixture on each cabbage leaf and roll tightly, folding in the sides to secure the filling.

Arrange in Pot: Layer the cabbage rolls in a large pot, seam side down. Add the bay leaf in between the layers.

Prepare the Sauce: In a small bowl, mix the tomato paste with the olive oil and pour over the cabbage rolls. Add the broth to the pot, covering the rolls.

Cook: Cover the pot and simmer on low heat for 1.5 to 2 hours, until the cabbage is tender and the filling is cooked through.

Serve: Serve hot, garnished with fresh dill or a dollop of sour cream if desired. Enjoy your homemade Sarma!

Nutritional Values

Large Cabbage (blanched, leaves separated)

 - Calories: Approximately 50 (per 100g)

 - Carbohydrates: 12 g

 - Protein: 3 g

 - Fat: 0.1 g

 - Fiber: 2 g


 - High in vitamins C and K, and provides antioxidants.

 - Supports digestive health with fiber.

 - Low in calories and fat, making it a nutritious, low-calorie vegetable.

Minced Meat (500g, beef, pork, or a mix)


  - Calories: Approximately 1,200

  - Fat: 80 g

  - Protein: 100 g

  - Carbohydrates: 0 g


  - Calories: Approximately 1,200

  - Fat: 85 g

  - Protein: 90 g

  - Carbohydrates: 0 g


 - Provides high-quality protein essential for muscle growth and repair.

 - Rich in iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are important for overall health.

Rice (1 cup, uncooked)

 - Calories: Approximately 680

 - Carbohydrates: 150 g

 - Protein: 13 g

 - Fat: 0.5 g

 - Fiber: 2 g


 - Provides a significant amount of carbohydrates for energy.

 - Contains small amounts of protein and essential nutrients like manganese.

Large Onion (1, finely chopped)

 - Calories: Approximately 45

 - Carbohydrates: 11 g

 - Protein: 1 g

 - Fat: 0 g


 - Adds flavor and contains antioxidants and vitamins.

 - Supports heart health and may have anti-inflammatory effects.

Garlic (2 cloves, minced)

 - Calories: Approximately 8

 - Carbohydrates: 2 g

 - Protein: 0.4 g

 - Fat: 0 g


 - Known for its potential antibacterial and antiviral properties.

 - May help support cardiovascular health and boost the immune system.

Carrot (1, grated)

 - Calories: Approximately 25

 - Carbohydrates: 6 g

 - Protein: 0.5 g

 - Fat: 0 g

 - Fiber: 2 g


 - High in vitamin A, which supports vision and immune function.

 - Provides antioxidants and fiber for digestive health.

Tomato Paste (2 tbsp)

 - Calories: Approximately 30

 - Carbohydrates: 7 g

 - Protein: 1 g

 - Fat: 0.5 g


 - Concentrated source of vitamins C and K, and lycopene (an antioxidant).

 - Adds rich flavor and color to the dish.

Paprika (1 tsp)

 - Calories: Approximately 6

 - Carbohydrates: 1 g

 - Protein: 0.3 g

 - Fat: 0.3 g


 - Adds a mild, sweet heat and vibrant color.

 - Contains antioxidants and can contribute to immune health.

Salt and Pepper (to taste)


  - Calories: 0

  - Sodium: Approximately 2,300 mg per teaspoon


  - Calories: Approximately 6 per teaspoon

  - Carbohydrates: 1 g


 - Salt: Enhances flavor, but should be used in moderation due to sodium content.

 - Pepper: Adds a bit of spice and complexity.

Dried Dill or Fresh Dill (1 tsp, optional)

Dried Dill:

  - Calories: Approximately 5

  - Carbohydrates: 1 g

  - Protein: 0.3 g

  - Fat: 0 g

Fresh Dill:

  - Calories: Approximately 3

  - Carbohydrates: 1 g

  - Protein: 0.2 g

  - Fat: 0 g


 - Adds a fresh, herby flavor.

 - Contains vitamins and antioxidants, and may aid digestion.

Olive Oil (2 tbsp)

 - Calories: Approximately 240

 - Fat: 28 g (primarily monounsaturated)

 - Carbohydrates: 0 g

 - Protein: 0 g


 - Provides healthy fats that support heart health.

 - Adds richness and flavor to the dish.

Chicken or Vegetable Broth (2 cups)

Chicken Broth:

  - Calories: Approximately 30

  - Sodium: 800 mg

  - Protein: 3 g

  - Fat: 1 g

Vegetable Broth:

  - Calories: Approximately 15

  - Sodium: 600 mg

  - Protein: 0.5 g

  - Fat: 0 g


 - Adds depth of flavor to the dish.

 - Provides hydration and essential minerals.

Bay Leaf (1)

 - Calories: Approximately 5

 - Carbohydrates: 1 g

 - Protein: 0.1 g

 - Fat: 0 g


 - Adds a subtle, aromatic flavor to the dish.

 - Contains essential oils that may have digestive benefits.

This list provides a detailed view of the nutritional content and health benefits of each ingredient, ensuring a well-rounded and flavorful dish.


i'm just try to cook new things.
