Catalonia Escalivada is a quintessential Catalan dish that celebrates the region's love for fresh, roasted vegetables. Traditionally, this dish features a harmonious blend of red bell peppers, eggplants, and onions, all roasted to perfection. The result is a smoky, rich, and flavorful vegetable medley that can be enjoyed as a side dish, a topping for grilled meats, or a spread on crusty bread.

Escalivada has deep roots in Catalan cuisine, reflecting the region’s emphasis on simplicity and seasonal ingredients. The name "escalivada" comes from the Catalan verb "escalivar," which means "to roast over hot embers," a traditional method used for preparing the vegetables. This dish is commonly served as a tapa in Spain, showcasing the Catalan approach to enjoying high-quality, uncomplicated food.


- 3 red bell peppers

- 2 eggplants

- 1 large onion

- 3 cloves of garlic

- Olive oil

- Salt


1. Preheat Oven: Set your oven to 400°F (200°C).

2. Prepare Vegetables: Wash and dry the vegetables. Halve the red peppers and eggplants lengthwise, removing seeds. Quarter the onion.

3. Roast: Arrange the vegetables on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, skin-side up. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

4. Cook: Roast in the oven for 30-40 minutes until the skins are charred and the flesh is tender.

5. Cool and Peel: Let the vegetables cool for a few minutes. Peel the charred skins off the peppers and discard. Remove the stem from the eggplants.

6. Slice and Mix: Cut the eggplants and peppers into thin strips. Slice the onion into thin strips. Crush the garlic cloves and mix them with the vegetables.

7. Season: Drizzle with additional olive oil and season with salt to taste.

8. Serve: Enjoy at room temperature.


- Feel free to add other vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, or potatoes for added variety and color.

- If an oven isn’t available, you can roast the vegetables on a grill or over an open flame.

- Escalivada stores well in the refrigerator for up to three days and often tastes better the next day as the flavors meld.

Nutrition Value:

1. Red Bell Peppers (3 medium peppers)

- Calories: Approximately 90 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 22 grams

- Protein: 3 grams

- Fat: 0.6 grams

- Sodium: 6 mg

- Cholesterol: 0 mg

- Vitamins: Rich in vitamin C (about 300% of daily value), vitamin A, and vitamin B6

- Minerals: Contains potassium and magnesium

- Nutritional Benefit: Red bell peppers are high in antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which supports immune function and skin health. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall well-being.

2. Eggplants (2 medium eggplants)

- Calories: Approximately 70 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 18 grams

- Protein: 2 grams

- Fat: 0.4 grams

- Sodium: 2 mg

- Cholesterol: 0 mg

- Vitamins: Contains vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6, and vitamin K

- Minerals: Rich in potassium, manganese, and magnesium

- Nutritional Benefit: Eggplants are a good source of dietary fiber and antioxidants like nasunin, which supports heart health and may help reduce inflammation.

3. Onion (1 large onion)

- Calories: Approximately 60 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 14 grams

- Protein: 1 gram

- Fat: 0.2 grams

- Sodium: 4 mg

- Cholesterol: 0 mg

- Vitamins: Contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate

- Minerals: Provides manganese, potassium, and calcium

- Nutritional Benefit: Onions are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. They support cardiovascular health and can aid in digestion due to their high fiber content.

4. Garlic (3 cloves)

- Calories: Approximately 15 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 3 grams

- Protein: 0.6 grams

- Fat: 0.03 grams

- Sodium: 1 mg

- Cholesterol: 0 mg

- Vitamins: Contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, and small amounts of other B vitamins

- Minerals: Provides manganese, calcium, and iron

- Nutritional Benefit: Garlic has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved heart health, enhanced immune function, and potential antimicrobial properties.

5. Olive Oil (1 tablespoon)

- Calories: Approximately 120 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 0 grams

- Protein: 0 grams

- Fat: 14 grams

- Sodium: 0 mg

- Cholesterol: 0 mg

- Vitamins: Contains vitamin E and vitamin K

- Minerals: Provides iron and calcium

- Nutritional Benefit: Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats, which support heart health. It also contains antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.

6. Salt (to taste)

- Calories: 0 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 0 grams

- Protein: 0 grams

- Fat: 0 grams

- Sodium: Variable (depends on amount used)

- Cholesterol: 0 mg

- Vitamins: None

- Minerals: Provides sodium

- Nutritional Benefit: While salt is essential for fluid balance and nerve function, excessive intake can lead to health issues like high blood pressure. It should be used in moderation to enhance flavor without compromising health.

This detailed nutritional breakdown provides an overview of the benefits and content of each ingredient in Escalivada.


i'm just try to cook new things.
