Masala Chai (چائے مصالحہ in Urdu) , originating from India and popular in Arab countries, is a spiced tea brewed with sugar, saffron or cardamom, simmered with milk and sometimes flavored with cinnamon or ginger. Known for its rich flavor, Masala Chai has gained global fame as a beloved tea blend, incorporating spices like cloves, ginger, and pepper for a unique taste experience.

Masala Chai is renowned for its rich blend of spices and tea, offering antioxidants, digestive aid, stress relief, and immunity boost. Explore its nutritional perks and how to incorporate this flavorful beverage into your daily routine.

To watch the cooking video, click on the link: Easy and Perfect Authentic Indian Masala Chai: A Delicious Recipe


- 1 cinnamon stick

- 5 cardamom pods

- 5 cloves

- Fresh ginger or ground ginger

- Sugar (to taste)

- Tea packet or loose leaf tea

- Milk or condensed milk


1. Begin by placing a pan on low heat.

2. Add the cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, and cloves to the pan. Make small openings in the spices to release their flavors.

3. Roast the spices until their aroma emerges, ensuring not to burn them.

4. In a separate pot, bring a cup of water to a boil.

5. Add the roasted spices to the boiling water.

6. Optionally, add a piece of fresh ginger or a small spoonful of ground ginger to the pot for added flavor. Note: Fresh ginger is preferred for a more vibrant taste.

7. Once the water boils and the spices are infused, add sugar according to your taste preference.

8. Open a tea packet and add the tea leaves to the spiced water. Alternatively, use loose leaf tea for a more personalized blend.

9. Allow the tea to simmer for a few minutes until it reaches the desired strength.

10. While the tea is simmering, warm a little milk in a separate pot. Condensed milk can also be used for a creamier texture.

11. Once the tea is ready and the milk is warm, remove them from the heat.

12. Strain the spiced tea into a cup to remove the spices.

13. Pour the warm milk over the strained tea, adjusting the milk-to-tea ratio according to your preference.

14. Stir gently to combine the flavors.

15. Serve the spiced tea hot and enjoy its aromatic and comforting taste.


1. Use water and milk in a 1:2 ratio for a creamy texture.

2. Adjust sugar to taste, adding condensed milk for extra sweetness if preferred.

3. Boil the tea with spices until aromatic, then add milk and simmer.

4. Strain before serving to remove spices and enjoy the aromatic blend.

5. Customize spices like cinnamon and cardamom for personal preference.

6. Optionally, add a piece of fresh ginger or a small spoonful of ground ginger to the pot for added flavor. Note: Fresh ginger is preferred for a more vibrant taste.

In conclusion, this spiced tea recipe offers a delightful blend of flavors and aromas, making it a perfect warm beverage for breakfast or a cozy drink for evenings. With its Indian-inspired blend of ingredients like cinnamon and cardamom, this homemade chai recipe is both comforting and rejuvenating. Enjoy the aromatic experience of this friendly spiced tea and elevate your tea-drinking moments with every sip.

Nutrition Value

1. Cinnamon stick:

  - Calories: Approximately 6 calories

  - Carbohydrates: Approximately 2 grams

  - Protein: Approximately 0.1 grams

  - Fat: Approximately 0.1 grams

  - Sodium: Approximately 1 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins and Minerals: Contains small amounts of various vitamins and minerals

  - Nutritional Benefits: Contains antioxidants and aids in digestion.

2. 5 cardamom pods:

  - Calories: Approximately 4 calories

  - Carbohydrates: Approximately 1 gram

  - Protein: Negligible

  - Fat: Negligible

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins and Minerals: Contains small amounts of certain vitamins and minerals

  - Nutritional Benefits: Helps improve digestion and may have antibacterial properties.

3. 5 cloves:

  - Calories: Approximately 6 calories

  - Carbohydrates: Approximately 1.5 grams

  - Protein: Approximately 0.1 grams

  - Fat: Approximately 0.1 grams

  - Sodium: Approximately 2 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins and Minerals: Contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals, including manganese and vitamin K

  - Nutritional Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Fresh ginger or ground ginger:

  - Calories: Approximately 2 calories (per teaspoon of ground ginger)

  - Carbohydrates: Approximately 0.5 grams

  - Protein: Negligible

  - Fat: Negligible

  - Sodium: Negligible

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins and Minerals: Contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium

  - Nutritional Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, and may help alleviate nausea.

5. Sugar:

  - Calories: Varies based on quantity (approximately 16 calories per teaspoon of granulated sugar)

  - Carbohydrates: Varies based on quantity

  - Protein: 0 grams

  - Fat: 0 grams

  - Sodium: 0 mg

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins and Minerals: None

  - Nutritional Benefits: Provides quick energy but should be consumed in moderation.

6. Tea packet or loose leaf tea:

  - Calories: Varies based on type and quantity (usually negligible)

  - Carbohydrates: Varies based on type and quantity

  - Protein: Varies based on type and quantity

  - Fat: Varies based on type and quantity

  - Sodium: Varies based on type and quantity

  - Cholesterol: 0 mg

  - Vitamins and Minerals: Contains antioxidants and may provide small amounts of certain vitamins like vitamin C

  - Nutritional Benefits: Provides antioxidants, hydration, and potential health benefits depending on the type of tea.

7. Milk or condensed milk:

  - Calories: Varies based on type and quantity (approximately 150 calories per cup of whole milk)

  - Carbohydrates: Varies based on type and quantity

  - Protein: Varies based on type and quantity (approximately 8 grams per cup of whole milk)

  - Fat: Varies based on type and quantity (approximately 8 grams of fat per cup of whole milk)

  - Sodium: Varies based on type and quantity

  - Cholesterol: Varies based on type and quantity (approximately 24 mg per cup of whole milk)

  - Vitamins and Minerals: Contains calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and other nutrients depending on the type of milk

  - Nutritional Benefits: Good source of calcium, protein, and essential nutrients, but choose low-fat options for reduced fat and calorie content.

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