Discover how to make Khuushuur, savory fried meat pies that offer a crispy texture and rich flavor, similar to buuz but with a delightful crunch. This traditional recipe combines seasoned minced meat with simple ingredients, wrapped in a golden, crispy dough. Perfect as a snack or appetizer, Khuushuur is a must-try dish that brings a unique twist to classic meat pies.


For the Filling:

 - 500g ground beef or lamb

 - 1 large onion, finely chopped

 - 2 cloves garlic, minced

 - 1 tablespoon soy sauce

 - 1 tablespoon sesame oil

 - 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

 - 1 teaspoon ground cumin

 - 1 teaspoon paprika

 - Salt to taste

For the Dough:

 - 2 cups all-purpose flour

 - 1 teaspoon salt

 - 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

 - 1/2 cup water (adjust as needed)

 - 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

For Frying:

 - Vegetable oil (for deep frying)


Prepare the Filling:

  - In a large bowl, combine the ground meat, chopped onion, minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper, cumin, paprika, and salt. Mix well until all ingredients are thoroughly combined. Set aside.

Make the Dough:

  - In a mixing bowl, combine flour, salt, and baking powder. Gradually add water and vegetable oil, kneading until a smooth dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour. If too dry, add a bit more water.

Shape the Pies:

  - Divide the dough into small balls (about the size of a golf ball). Roll each ball into a thin circle on a floured surface. Place a spoonful of the meat filling in the center of each circle.

  - Fold the dough over the filling to create a half-moon shape. Press the edges together to seal, using a fork or your fingers to crimp the edges.

Fry the Pies:

  - Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or pot over medium-high heat.

  - Carefully place the filled pies into the hot oil, a few at a time, and fry until golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes on each side.

  - Remove the pies with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.


  - Serve the Khuushuur hot with your favorite dipping sauces or alongside a fresh salad. Enjoy the crispy, flavorful pies!

Feel free to adjust the seasoning and spice levels to your taste. Khuushuur makes for a delicious and satisfying treat perfect for any occasion!

Nutritional Values

Ground Beef or Lamb (per 100g):

  - Calories: 250 kcal

  - Protein: 26g

  - Fat: 20g (saturated fat varies)

  - Iron: 2.7 mg (15% of Daily Value)

  - Vitamin B12: 2.5 µg (104% of Daily Value)


  - Protein: Essential for muscle growth, repair, and overall body function.

  - Iron: Vital for oxygen transport in the blood and energy production.

  - Vitamin B12: Important for nerve function and the production of red blood cells.

Onion (per 100g):

  - Calories: 40 kcal

  - Protein: 1g

  - Fat: 0.1g

  - Carbohydrates: 9g

  - Vitamin C: 8.1 mg (9% of Daily Value)

  - Fiber: 1.7g


  - Vitamin C: Supports immune function and skin health.

  - Fiber: Aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

  - Antioxidants: Contains compounds that may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

Garlic (per 100g):

  - Calories: 149 kcal

  - Protein: 6g

  - Fat: 0.5g

  - Carbohydrates: 33g

  - Vitamin C: 31.2 mg (35% of Daily Value)

  - Manganese: 1.7 mg (87% of Daily Value)


  - Vitamin C: Boosts immune system and improves skin health.

  - Manganese: Supports bone health and metabolism.

  - Allicin: A compound with potential anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Soy Sauce (per 1 tablespoon):

  - Calories: 10 kcal

  - Protein: 1g

  - Fat: 0g

  - Sodium: 1,000 mg (43% of Daily Value)


  - Flavor Enhancer: Adds depth to dishes with a rich umami flavor.

  - Low Calories: Adds flavor with minimal calories.

Sesame Oil (per 1 tablespoon):

  - Calories: 120 kcal

  - Fat: 14g (mostly unsaturated fats)

  - Vitamin E: 0.6 mg (4% of Daily Value)


  - Healthy Fats: Contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are beneficial for heart health.

  - Antioxidants: Vitamin E helps protect cells from damage.

Ground Black Pepper (per 1 teaspoon):

  - Calories: 6 kcal

  - Protein: 0.2g

  - Fat: 0.1g

  - Carbohydrates: 1.5g

  - Iron: 0.6 mg (8% of Daily Value)


  - Antioxidants: Contains piperine, which may have antioxidant properties.

  - Digestive Health: May improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

Ground Cumin (per 1 teaspoon):

  - Calories: 8 kcal

  - Protein: 0.4g

  - Fat: 0.5g

  - Carbohydrates: 1g

  - Iron: 1.4 mg (19% of Daily Value)


  - Iron: Important for oxygen transport and energy.

  - Digestive Health: May aid digestion and reduce bloating.

Paprika (per 1 teaspoon):

  - Calories: 6 kcal

  - Protein: 0.3g

  - Fat: 0.3g

  - Carbohydrates: 1g

  - Vitamin A: 1,078 IU (22% of Daily Value)


  - Vitamin A: Supports vision, immune function, and skin health.

  - Antioxidants: Contains carotenoids that may have health benefits.

All-Purpose Flour (per 100g):

  - Calories: 364 kcal

  - Protein: 10g

  - Fat: 1g

  - Carbohydrates: 76g

  - Fiber: 2.7g


  - Energy Source: Provides carbohydrates for energy.

  - B Vitamins: Often enriched with B vitamins, which are important for metabolism.

Vegetable Oil (per 1 tablespoon):

  - Calories: 120 kcal

  - Fat: 14g (mostly unsaturated fats)


  - Healthy Fats: Provides essential fatty acids that support heart health.

This information will help you understand the nutritional value and benefits of each ingredient in your Khuushuur recipe.


i'm just try to cook new things.
