Discover the authentic flavors of Kachila, a spicy minced meat dish that's a perfect blend of spices and textures. This traditional recipe is ideal for serving with warm breads or fluffy rice, making it a versatile meal for any occasion. Follow our easy step-by-step guide to create this flavorful dish that will tantalize your taste buds and impress your guests.


- 500g minced meat (beef or lamb)

- 1 onion, finely chopped

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 tbsp oil

- 1 tsp cumin powder

- 1 tsp coriander powder

- 1 tsp paprika

- 1 tsp chili powder (adjust to taste)

- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

- Salt and pepper to taste

- 2 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped

- 1 tbsp lemon juice

- Traditional bread or rice for serving


Prepare the Meat: Heat oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and garlic, and sauté until golden brown.

Cook the Meat: Add the minced meat to the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat is browned and fully cooked.

Add Spices: Mix in the cumin, coriander, paprika, chili powder, turmeric, salt, and pepper. Stir well to evenly coat the meat with the spices. Cook for an additional 5 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld.

Finish with Cilantro and Lemon: Remove the pan from heat and stir in the fresh cilantro and lemon juice. This adds a fresh and tangy kick to the dish.

Serve: Serve the Kachila hot with traditional bread or over a bed of rice. Enjoy the rich and spicy flavors of this dish!

Nutritional Values

Minced Meat (500g, beef or lamb)

  - Calories: About 250-300 kcal

  - Protein: 20-25 grams

  - Fat: 20-25 grams

  - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

Benefits: High in protein and essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Supports muscle growth and overall health.

Onion (1 medium, finely chopped)

  - Calories: About 45 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 11 grams

  - Fat: 0.1 grams

  - Protein: 1 gram

Benefits: Contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Supports immune function and adds flavor.

Garlic (2 cloves, minced)

  - Calories: About 5 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

  - Fat: 0 grams

  - Protein: 0.2 grams

Benefits: Contains allicin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Supports cardiovascular health and adds flavor.

Oil (2 tbsp, vegetable or olive)

  - Calories: About 120 kcal

  - Fat: 14 grams (including 1.5 grams of saturated fat)

  - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

  - Protein: 0 grams

Benefits: Provides healthy fats, essential for energy and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Cumin Powder (1 tsp)

  - Calories: About 8 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 0.6 grams

  - Fat: 0.4 grams

  - Protein: 0.4 grams

Benefits: Aids digestion and adds a warm, earthy flavor. Contains antioxidants.

Coriander Powder (1 tsp)

  - Calories: About 6 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

  - Fat: 0.2 grams

  - Protein: 0.2 grams

Benefits: Contains antioxidants and has potential digestive benefits. Adds a citrusy flavor.

Paprika (1 tsp)

  - Calories: About 6 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

  - Fat: 0.3 grams

  - Protein: 0.3 grams

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and vitamin A. Adds color and flavor.

Chili Powder (1 tsp, optional)

  - Calories: About 6 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

  - Fat: 0.3 grams

  - Protein: 0.3 grams

Benefits: Contains capsaicin, which may boost metabolism and provide antioxidant benefits. Adds heat.

Turmeric Powder (1/2 tsp)

  - Calories: About 8 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 1.7 grams

  - Fat: 0.2 grams

  - Protein: 0.3 grams

Benefits: Contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Adds color and flavor.

Salt and Pepper (to taste)

 - Nutritional Values: Minimal calories but high in sodium (salt).

Benefits: Enhances flavor. Use in moderation to manage sodium intake.

Fresh Cilantro (2 tbsp, chopped)

  - Calories: About 1 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 0.2 grams

  - Fat: 0 grams

  - Protein: 0.1 grams

Benefits: Contains antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and K. Supports digestion and adds a fresh flavor.

Lemon Juice (1 tbsp)

  - Calories: About 4 kcal

  - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

  - Fat: 0 grams

  - Protein: 0 grams

Benefits: Provides vitamin C and adds tanginess. Supports immune function and enhances the taste of the dish.

Traditional Bread or Rice (for serving)

  - Bread: (per slice, approximately 30g): About 80-100 kcal, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat, 2 grams of protein.

  - Rice: (per 1 cup cooked, approximately 195g): About 200 kcal, 45 grams of carbohydrates, 0.4 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein.

Benefits: Provides a source of carbohydrates for energy. Bread offers quick energy, while rice provides a more sustained release of energy.


- Minced Meat: High in protein and essential nutrients.

- Onion: Contains antioxidants and vitamins, enhances flavor.

- Garlic: Supports cardiovascular health and adds flavor.

- Oil: Provides healthy fats, essential for energy.

- Spices: Add flavor and potential health benefits such as improved digestion and antioxidant effects.

 - Cilantro: Contains antioxidants and supports digestion.

- Lemon Juice: Provides vitamin C and adds tanginess.

- Bread or Rice: Offers carbohydrates for energy.

These values and benefits can help you understand the nutritional impact and health advantages of the ingredients in your dish.


i'm just try to cook new things.
