Dive into the delectable flavors of the Isle of Man with our fresh crab and lobster, sourced straight from the pristine waters surrounding the island. Indulge in succulent crab meat and tender lobster tails, expertly prepared to tantalize your taste buds. With every bite, savor the essence of the sea and experience the culinary excellence of the Isle of Man's seafood tradition. Whether enjoyed on its own or as part of a sumptuous seafood feast, our Isle of Man crab and lobster promise an unforgettable dining experience that celebrates the island's rich maritime heritage.


  - 2 fresh Isle of Man lobsters

  - 1 pound fresh Isle of Man crab meat

  - 4 tablespoons unsalted butter

  - 2 cloves garlic, minced

  - 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped

  - 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

  - Salt and pepper to taste

  - Lemon wedges for serving


1- Prepare the lobsters by boiling them in a large pot of salted water for about 8-10 minutes until they turn bright red. Remove from the pot and let them cool slightly.

2- Once the lobsters are cool enough to handle, carefully crack open the shells and remove the meat. Chop the lobster meat into bite-sized pieces and set aside.

3- In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and sauté for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.

4- Add the chopped lobster meat and crab meat to the skillet. Cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the seafood is heated through.

5- Season the mixture with salt, pepper, and fresh lemon juice. Stir in the chopped parsley and cook for an additional minute.

6- Remove the skillet from the heat and transfer the Isle of Man crab and lobster mixture to a serving platter.

7- Garnish with additional chopped parsley and lemon wedges.

8- Serve immediately, and enjoy the fresh flavors of the Isle of Man seafood caught in the surrounding waters!

This recipe celebrates the exquisite taste of fresh Isle of Man crab and lobster, showcasing the bounty of the island's pristine waters in a simple yet delicious dish.

Nutritional Values :

2 Fresh Isle of Man Lobsters (Approximately 1.5 kg):

 - Calories: 320

 - Fat: 2g

 - Carbohydrates: 0g

 - Protein: 70g

Benefits: High in protein and low in fat; provides essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, and selenium. Supports muscle growth and overall health.

1 Pound Fresh Isle of Man Crab Meat (Approximately 450g):

 - Calories: 480

 - Fat: 3g

 - Carbohydrates: 0g

 - Protein: 96g

Benefits: High in protein and low in fat; provides vitamins B12 and C, and minerals like zinc and selenium. Supports muscle health, immune function, and overall wellness.

4 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter (Approximately 56g):

 - Calories: 400

 - Fat: 44g

 - Carbohydrates: 0g

 - Protein: 0g

Benefits: Adds richness and flavor; provides vitamins A and D. Use in moderation due to high calorie and fat content.

2 Cloves Garlic (Approximately 6g):

 - Calories: 9

 - Fat: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 2g

 - Protein: 0g

Benefits: Contains allicin, which may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Supports immune health and enhances flavor.

1 Tablespoon Fresh Parsley (Chopped, Approximately 3g):

 - Calories:1

 - Fat: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 0.3g

 - Protein: 0.1g

Benefits: High in vitamins A, C, and K; supports immune function, bone health, and overall well-being.

1 Tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice (Approximately 15g):

 - Calories: 4

 - Fat: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 1g

 - Protein: 0g

Benefits: Adds a fresh, tangy flavor; high in vitamin C. Supports immune health and adds antioxidants.

Salt and Pepper (To Taste):

 - Salt: Enhances flavor; use in moderation to manage sodium intake.

 - Pepper: Adds flavor and contains piperine, which may aid in nutrient absorption and has antioxidant properties.

Lemon Wedges (For Serving):

1 Lemon Wedge (Approximately 20g):

   - Calories: 6

   - Fat: 0g

   - Carbohydrates: 2g

   - Protein: 0g

Benefits: Adds flavor and vitamin C; supports immune health and adds antioxidants.

Note: Nutritional values are approximate and may vary depending on factors such as preparation methods and specific product brands. It's also important to consider any additional seasoning or ingredients used in the recipe.


i'm just try to cook new things.
