Discover how to make Shirin Polov, a delicious Persian rice dish known for its sweet and savory flavors. This recipe combines fragrant basmati rice with a rich mix of dried fruits, nuts, and aromatic spices to create a unique and festive dish that's perfect for special occasions. Follow our step-by-step guide to prepare this delightful variation of plov and impress your guests with its exquisite taste.


- 2 cups basmati rice

- 1/2 cup dried apricots, chopped

- 1/2 cup raisins

- 1/4 cup almonds, slivered

- 1/4 cup pistachios, chopped

- 1/2 cup orange juice

- 1/2 cup sugar

- 1/4 cup ghee or unsalted butter

- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

- 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom

- 1/2 teaspoon ground saffron (optional)

- 1/4 cup rose water (optional)

- Salt to taste

- Fresh pomegranate seeds for garnish (optional)


- Prepare the Rice: Rinse the basmati rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Soak the rice in a bowl of water for at least 30 minutes. Drain and set aside.

- Cook the Rice: In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Add a pinch of salt and the soaked rice. Cook the rice until it's about 70% cooked. Drain and set aside.

- Prepare the Sweet Mixture: In a medium saucepan, melt the ghee or butter over medium heat. Add the chopped dried apricots, raisins, almonds, and pistachios. Stir and cook for about 3-4 minutes until the nuts are lightly toasted.

- Add Sweetener and Spices: Add the sugar, orange juice, ground cinnamon, ground cardamom, and saffron (if using) to the saucepan. Stir until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is well combined. Cook for another 2 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

- Layer the Rice and Sweet Mixture: In a large pot or rice cooker, layer half of the partially cooked rice. Spread the sweet mixture evenly over the rice. Top with the remaining rice.

- Steam the Rice: Cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and cook on low heat for about 20-25 minutes, allowing the rice to steam and absorb all the flavors. If using a rice cooker, use the 'steam' function if available.

- Finish and Serve: Once the rice is fully cooked, remove from heat and let it sit for 5 minutes. Gently fluff the rice with a fork. Optionally, sprinkle with rose water and garnish with fresh pomegranate seeds before serving.

Enjoy your Shirin Polov as a sweet and festive side dish or a unique main course!

Nutritional values

For the Recipe:

Basmati Rice (2 cups)

 - Calories: Approximately 205

 - Protein: 4g

 - Carbohydrates: 45g

 - Fat: 0g

- Total for 2 cups cooked:

 - Calories: Approximately 410

 - Protein: 8g

 - Carbohydrates: 90g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Provides a good source of carbohydrates for energy. Basmati rice is aromatic and has a lower glycemic index compared to other types of rice.

Dried Apricots (1/2 cup, chopped)

 - Calories: Approximately 210

 - Protein: 1g

 - Carbohydrates: 56g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: High in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. Good for digestion and eye health.

Raisins (1/2 cup)

 - Calories: Approximately 217

 - Protein: 2g

 - Carbohydrates: 58g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Rich in iron, potassium, and antioxidants. Helps with energy and digestion.

Almonds (1/4 cup, slivered)

 - Calories: Approximately 200

 - Protein: 7g

 - Carbohydrates: 7g

 - Fat: 18g

Benefits: Provides healthy fats, protein, fiber, and vitamin E. Supports heart health and helps with satiety.

Pistachios (1/4 cup, chopped)

 - Calories: Approximately 160

 - Protein: 6g

 - Carbohydrates: 8g

 - Fat: 13g

Benefits: Rich in healthy fats, protein, and antioxidants. Good for heart health and provides essential nutrients.

Orange Juice (1/2 cup)

 - Calories: Approximately 60

 - Protein: 1g

 - Carbohydrates: 15g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: High in vitamin C and antioxidants. Supports immune function and overall health.

Sugar (1/2 cup)

 - Calories: Approximately 387

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 100g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds sweetness and helps with texture but should be used in moderation due to high calorie content.

Ghee or Unsalted Butter (1/4 cup)

 - Calories: Approximately 400

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 0g

 - Fat: 44g

Benefits: Adds richness and flavor. Ghee has a higher smoke point than butter and contains fat-soluble vitamins.

Ground Cinnamon (1 teaspoon)

 - Calories: Approximately 6

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 2g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Provides antioxidants and may help with blood sugar regulation and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ground Cardamom (1/2 teaspoon)

 - Calories: Approximately 3

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 1g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds flavor and may aid digestion and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Ground Saffron (1/2 teaspoon, optional)

 - Calories: Approximately 2

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 0g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds a unique flavor and color. Saffron has antioxidant properties and may improve mood.

Rose Water (1/4 cup, optional)

 - Calories: Approximately 10

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 2g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Adds a floral flavor. Rose water has been used traditionally for its aromatic and potential health benefits.

Salt (to taste)

 - Calories: 0

 - Protein: 0g

 - Carbohydrates: 0g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: Enhances flavor. Use in moderation to manage sodium intake.

Fresh Pomegranate Seeds (for garnish, optional)

 - Calories: Approximately 35

 - Protein: 0.5g

 - Carbohydrates: 9g

 - Fat: 0g

Benefits: High in antioxidants and vitamin C. Supports heart health and provides a burst of flavor and color.

This combination creates a flavorful and nutritious dish with a mix of sweet, savory, and aromatic elements.


i'm just try to cook new things.
