Discover the rich and flavorful Laksa recipe, a popular spicy noodle soup with a creamy coconut milk base. This authentic dish features prawns, fish cakes, and tofu, making it a hearty and satisfying meal. Perfect for warming up on a cool day, this recipe will guide you through making this classic Southeast Asian soup from scratch.


- For the Laksa Paste:

 - 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

 - 1 large onion, chopped

 - 3 cloves garlic, minced

 - 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, grated

 - 1 red chili, chopped (adjust to taste)

 - 1 tablespoon lemongrass, finely chopped

 - 1 tablespoon turmeric powder

 - 1 tablespoon coriander powder

 - 1 teaspoon cumin powder

 - 2 tablespoons shrimp paste (optional)

- For the Soup:

 - 400ml coconut milk

 - 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth

 - 200g rice noodles

 - 150g prawns, peeled and deveined

 - 100g fish cakes, sliced

 - 100g tofu, cubed

 - 1 tablespoon soy sauce

 - 1 tablespoon fish sauce (adjust to taste)

 - 1 teaspoon sugar

 - Juice of 1 lime

- Garnishes:

 - Fresh cilantro, chopped

 - Bean sprouts

 - Sliced red chili

 - Lime wedges

 - Fried shallots (optional)


Prepare the Laksa Paste:

  - Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and sauté until translucent.

  - Add the minced garlic, grated ginger, and chopped red chili. Cook for another 2 minutes until fragrant.

  - Stir in the lemongrass, turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, and shrimp paste. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently.

Make the Soup:

  - Pour in the coconut milk and chicken or vegetable broth. Bring to a simmer.

  - Add the rice noodles and cook according to package instructions, usually 4-5 minutes.

  - Stir in the prawns, fish cakes, and tofu. Cook until the prawns turn pink and the fish cakes and tofu are heated through.

  - Season with soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, and lime juice. Adjust the seasoning to taste.


  - Ladle the Laksa into bowls. Garnish with fresh cilantro, bean sprouts, sliced red chili, and fried shallots if using.

  - Serve with lime wedges on the side for extra tang.

Enjoy your homemade Laksa, a perfect blend of spicy, creamy, and savory flavors!

Nutritional values

Vegetable Oil (2 tablespoons):

  - Approximately 240 calories

  - 0g protein

  - 0g carbohydrates

  - 27g fat

Benefits: Provides healthy fats (depending on the type of oil), supports absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Onion (1 large, chopped):

  - Approximately 60 calories

  - 2g protein

  - 15g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and sulfur compounds, supports heart health, anti-inflammatory properties.

Garlic (3 cloves, minced):

  - Approximately 13 calories

  - 0.6g protein

  - 3g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Immune-boosting, may reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Ginger (1 thumb-sized piece, grated):

  - Approximately 20 calories

  - 0.5g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0.2g fat

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, aids digestion, alleviates nausea.

Red Chili (1, chopped):

  - Approximately 18 calories

  - 1g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0.4g fat

Benefits: Contains capsaicin, boosts metabolism, pain-relieving effects.

Lemongrass (1 tablespoon, finely chopped):

  - Approximately 6 calories

  - 0g protein

  - 1g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

  Benefits: Lemongrass aids digestion, reduces inflammation, and supports healthy skin.

Turmeric Powder (1 tablespoon):

  - Approximately 24 calories

  - 0.5g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0.7g fat

Benefits: Contains curcumin, powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Coriander Powder (1 tablespoon):

  - Approximately 16 calories

  - 0.6g protein

  - 3g carbohydrates

  - 0.8g fat

Benefits: Antioxidants, essential oils, aids digestion, may reduce blood sugar levels.

Cumin Powder (1 teaspoon):

  - Approximately 8 calories

  - 0.4g protein

  - 1g carbohydrates

  - 0.5g fat

Benefits: Contains iron, supports digestion, may improve digestion and metabolism.

Shrimp Paste (2 tablespoons, optional):

  - Approximately 20 calories

  - 2g protein

  - 1g carbohydrates

  - 1g fat

Benefits: Adds umami flavor, may contain beneficial trace minerals like zinc and iodine.

Soup Ingredients:

Coconut Milk (400ml):

  - Approximately 400 calories

  - 4g protein

  - 12g carbohydrates

  - 40g fat

Benefits: Rich in healthy fats, provides a creamy texture, contains vitamins like C and E.

Chicken or Vegetable Broth (4 cups):

  - Approximately 60 calories

  - 4g protein

  - 8g carbohydrates

  - 2g fat

Benefits: Provides flavor and nutrients, low in calories, hydrating.

Rice Noodles (200g):

  - Approximately 300 calories

  - 5g protein

  - 70g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Good source of energy, gluten-free option.

Prawns (150g):

  - Approximately 150 calories

  - 30g protein

  - 1g carbohydrates

  - 1g fat

Benefits: High in protein, low in fat, rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12 and iodine.

Fish Cakes (100g):

  - Approximately 150 calories

  - 10g protein

  - 10g carbohydrates

  - 8g fat

Benefits: Provides protein and flavor, contains omega-3 fatty acids (depending on fish used).

Tofu (100g):

  - Approximately 70 calories

  - 8g protein

  - 2g carbohydrates

  - 4g fat

Benefits: Plant-based protein source, contains calcium and iron, supports heart health.

Soy Sauce (1 tablespoon):

  - Approximately 10 calories

  - 2g protein

  - 1g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Adds umami flavor, may contain antioxidants.

Fish Sauce (1 tablespoon):

  - Approximately 10 calories

  - 1g protein

  - 1g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Adds umami flavor, may contain beneficial trace minerals.

Sugar (1 teaspoon):

  - Approximately 16 calories

  - 0g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Adds sweetness, can be adjusted or replaced with alternatives.

Lime Juice (Juice of 1 lime):

  - Approximately 11 calories

  - 0g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: High in vitamin C, supports immune function, adds tangy flavor.


Fresh Cilantro (chopped):

  - Approximately 1 calorie per tablespoon

  - 0.1g protein

  - 0.2g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Contains antioxidants, supports digestion, and adds fresh flavor.

Bean Sprouts:

  - Approximately 30 calories per cup

  - 3g protein

  - 6g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: Low in calories, rich in vitamins C and K, supports digestion.

Sliced Red Chili:

  - Approximately 18 calories per chili

  - 1g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0.4g fat

Benefits: Contains capsaicin, boosts metabolism, provides vitamin C.

Lime Wedges:

  - Approximately 11 calories per lime

  - 0g protein

  - 4g carbohydrates

  - 0g fat

Benefits: High in vitamin C, adds acidity and freshness.

Fried Shallots (optional):

  - Approximately 40 calories per tablespoon

  - 0g protein

  - 6g carbohydrates

  - 2g fat

Benefits: Adds crispy texture and flavor, contains some antioxidants. 


i'm just try to cook new things.
