Swedish Meatballs, known as "Köttbullar" in Sweden, are a culinary delight cherished for their rich flavors and cultural significance. Whether you're a seasoned cook seeking a new recipe or a curious food enthusiast looking to learn more about this iconic Swedish dish, search engines are your trusted companions on this gastronomic journey.


- 250g ground beef

- 250g ground pork

- 1 small onion, finely chopped

- 1/2 cup breadcrumbs

- 1/2 cup milk

- 1 egg

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1/4 tsp black pepper

- 1/4 tsp ground allspice

- Butter or oil for frying

For the Sauce:

- 1 cup beef or vegetable broth

- 1/2 cup heavy cream

- 1 tbsp all-purpose flour

- Lingonberry sauce (for serving)

- Creamy mashed potatoes (for serving)


1. In a small bowl, combine the breadcrumbs and milk. Let it sit for a few minutes until the breadcrumbs have absorbed the milk.

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground beef, ground pork, chopped onion, soaked breadcrumbs, egg, salt, black pepper, and ground allspice. Mix until well combined.

3. Shape the mixture into small meatballs, about 1 inch in diameter.

4. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add butter or oil.

5. Fry the meatballs until they are browned on all sides and cooked through, about 7-10 minutes. You may need to do this in batches to avoid overcrowding the skillet.

6. Remove the meatballs from the skillet and set them aside.

7. In the same skillet, add the flour and stir for a minute to make a roux.

8. Gradually add the beef or vegetable broth and heavy cream, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens.

9. Return the meatballs to the skillet and simmer in the sauce for a few minutes until heated through.

10. Serve the Swedish meatballs with lingonberry sauce and creamy mashed potatoes.

Enjoy your homemade Swedish Meatballs (Köttbullar) - a classic and delicious Swedish dish!

Nutrition Value

250g Ground Beef:

- Calories: Approximately 460 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 0g

- Protein: Approximately 40g

- Fat: Approximately 33g

- Sodium: Approximately 75mg

250g Ground Pork:

- Calories: Approximately 590 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 0g

- Protein: Approximately 50g

- Fat: Approximately 42g

- Sodium: Approximately 60mg

1 Small Onion (Finely Chopped):

- Calories: Approximately 20 kcal

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 5g

- Protein: Approximately 0.5g

- Fat: Approximately 0g

- Sodium: Approximately 2mg

1/2 Cup Breadcrumbs:

- Calories: Approximately 120 kcal

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 22g

- Protein: Approximately 4g

- Fat: Approximately 2g

- Sodium: Approximately 240mg

1/2 Cup Milk:

- Calories: Approximately 61 kcal

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 5g

- Protein: Approximately 3g

- Fat: Approximately 3g

- Sodium: Approximately 51mg

1 Egg:

- Calories: Approximately 68 kcal

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 0.6g

- Protein: Approximately 5.5g

- Fat: Approximately 4.8g

- Sodium: Approximately 65mg

1/2 tsp Salt:

- Calories: Approximately 0 kcal

- Carbohydrates: 0g

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Sodium: Approximately 1,150mg (Note: Salt is primarily for flavor; the actual sodium intake may vary based on the brand and type of salt used.)

1/4 tsp Black Pepper:

- Calories: Approximately 0 kcal

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 0g

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Sodium: Approximately 1mg

1/4 tsp Ground Allspice:

- Calories: Approximately 0 kcal

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 0g

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Sodium: Approximately 0mg

Butter or Oil for Frying (amount may vary):

- Calories: Varies based on the amount used

- Carbohydrates: Varies based on the type and amount used

- Protein: Varies based on the type and amount used

- Fat: Varies based on the type and amount used

- Sodium: Varies based on the type and amount used

For the Sauce:

- 1 Cup Beef or Vegetable Broth:

 - Calories: Approximately 5-10 kcal (varies based on the type)

 - Carbohydrates: Approximately 1-2g (varies based on the type)

 - Protein: Approximately 1-2g (varies based on the type)

 - Fat: Approximately 0-1g (varies based on the type)

 - Sodium: Approximately 600-900mg (varies based on the type)

- 1/2 Cup Heavy Cream:

 - Calories: Approximately 400-500 kcal (varies based on the brand)

 - Carbohydrates: Approximately 4-5g

 - Protein: Approximately 2-3g

 - Fat: Approximately 40-45g

 - Sodium: Approximately 40-50mg

- 1 tbsp All-Purpose Flour:

 - Calories: Approximately 28 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: Approximately 6g

 - Protein: Approximately 1g

 - Fat: Approximately 0g

 - Sodium: Approximately 0mg

- Lingonberry Sauce (for serving):

 - Calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sodium content can vary significantly depending on the brand and preparation.

- Creamy Mashed Potatoes (for serving):

 - Calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sodium content can vary depending on the recipe and ingredients used.

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