Discover the authentic taste of the Caribbean with our Ti' Punch recipe. This traditional cocktail combines the rich flavors of rum, zesty lime, and sweet sugar cane syrup for a refreshing and delightful drink. Perfect for any occasion, Ti' Punch is easy to make and embodies the spirit of tropical relaxation. Follow our simple recipe to enjoy this classic Caribbean beverage at home.


- 2 oz white rum

- 1/2 oz lime juice (freshly squeezed)

- 1/2 oz sugar cane syrup (or simple syrup)

- Ice (optional)

- Lime wedge (for garnish)


Prepare the Glass: If you prefer a chilled cocktail, fill a glass with ice. Otherwise, use a room-temperature glass for a traditional approach.

Mix Ingredients: Pour the rum, lime juice, and sugar cane syrup into the glass.

Stir Well: Stir the mixture gently to combine the ingredients. Adjust the sweetness or acidity to taste by adding more syrup or lime juice if desired.

Garnish: Add a lime wedge for a touch of freshness and garnish.

Serve: Enjoy your Ti' Punch immediately, savoring the balance of sweet, sour, and strong flavors that make this cocktail a Caribbean classic.

Nutritional Values

White Rum

 - Calories: 97

 - Carbohydrates: 0 g

 - Sugars: 0 g

 - Protein: 0 g

 - Fat: 0 g


 - White rum is primarily consumed for its flavor and alcohol content, with minimal nutrients. It’s important to drink in moderation to avoid health risks associated with alcohol consumption.

Lime Juice

 - Calories: 8

 - Carbohydrates: 2 g

 - Sugars: 1 g

 - Protein: 0.1 g

 - Fat: 0 g


 - Lime juice is high in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin.

 - It contains antioxidants that help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation.

 - It may aid in digestion and prevent kidney stones.

Sugar Cane Syrup

 - Calories: 60

 - Carbohydrates: 15 g

 - Sugars: 15 g

 - Protein: 0 g

 - Fat: 0 g


 - Sugar cane syrup provides a rich, caramel-like flavor compared to refined sugars.

 - It contains small amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron, though in limited quantities.

 - It serves as a quick source of energy due to its high sugar content.

While Ti' Punch is a delightful cocktail with a unique flavor profile, its health benefits are minimal due to the presence of alcohol and sugar. Lime juice provides the most nutritional benefits, including vitamin C and antioxidants. Enjoy the cocktail in moderation, and consider the nutritional values when incorporating it into your diet.


i'm just try to cook new things.
