Discover the ultimate comfort food with our Seafood Chowder recipe. This creamy, flavorful soup features a delightful blend of fresh seafood, including shrimp, scallops, and fish, simmered in a rich, savory broth. Perfect for a cozy dinner or a special occasion, this chowder is easy to make and packed with taste. Follow our simple recipe to create a restaurant-quality seafood chowder right in your own kitchen.


- 2 tablespoons butter

- 1 large onion, finely chopped

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 celery stalks, diced

- 1 large carrot, diced

- 3 cups fish or chicken broth

- 1 cup heavy cream

- 1 cup milk

- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

- 1 cup diced potatoes

- 1 cup shrimp, peeled and deveined

- 1 cup scallops, cleaned

- 1 cup white fish (such as cod or haddock), cut into chunks

- 1 cup frozen corn kernels

- 1 teaspoon dried thyme

- 1 bay leaf

- Salt and pepper to taste

- Chopped fresh parsley for garnish


Sauté Vegetables: In a large pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, celery, and carrot. Sauté until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes.

Make the Roux: Sprinkle the flour over the vegetables and stir well to combine. Cook for an additional 2 minutes to form a roux.

Add Broth and Potatoes: Gradually whisk in the fish or chicken broth, ensuring there are no lumps. Add the diced potatoes and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 10 minutes.

Add Cream and Milk: Stir in the heavy cream and milk. Cook for a few minutes until the mixture is heated through.

Add Seafood: Add the shrimp, scallops, white fish, and corn. Simmer until the seafood is cooked through and opaque, about 5-7 minutes. Remove the bay leaf.

6. Season and Serve: Season the chowder with dried thyme, salt, and pepper to taste. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley before serving.

Enjoy your homemade seafood chowder with crusty bread or crackers for a comforting and satisfying meal!

Nutritional Values

Butter (2 tablespoons)

 - Calories: 717 kcal

 - Protein: 0.9 grams

 - Fat: 81 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 0.1 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams


 - Adds richness and flavor.

 - Provides fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

Onion (1 large)

 - Calories: 40 kcal

 - Protein: 1 gram

 - Fat: 0.1 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 9 grams

 - Fiber: 1.7 grams


 - Contains antioxidants and compounds that may reduce inflammation.

 - Adds flavor and enhances overall nutritional value.

Garlic (2 cloves)

 - Calories: 149 kcal

 - Protein: 6.4 grams

 - Fat: 0.5 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 33 grams

 - Fiber: 2.1 grams


 - May boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

 - Adds flavor and can aid digestion.

Celery (2 stalks)

 - Calories: 16 kcal

 - Protein: 0.7 grams

 - Fat: 0.2 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 3 grams

 - Fiber: 1.6 grams


 - Low in calories and high in water content.

 - Provides fiber and vitamins like vitamin K.

Carrot (1 large)

 - Calories: 41 kcal

 - Protein: 0.9 grams

 - Fat: 0.2 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 10 grams

 - Fiber: 2.8 grams


 - Rich in beta-carotene (vitamin A) and antioxidants.

 - Supports eye health and immune function.

Fish or Chicken Broth (3 cups)

 - Calories: 5-15 kcal

 - Protein: 1 gram

 - Fat: 0.5 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 1 gram


 - Adds flavor and some nutrients.

 - Low in calories and can be a good source of minerals.

Heavy Cream (1 cup)

 - Calories: 340 kcal

 - Protein: 2.1 grams

 - Fat: 36 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 2.8 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams


 - Adds richness and creaminess.

 - Provides fat and some essential vitamins.

Milk (1 cup)

 - Calories: 42 kcal

 - Protein: 3.4 grams

 - Fat: 1 gram

 - Carbohydrates: 5 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams


 - Source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein.

 - Supports bone health.

All-Purpose Flour (2 tablespoons)

 - Calories: 364 kcal

 - Protein: 10 grams

 - Fat: 1 gram

 - Carbohydrates: 76 grams

 - Fiber: 2.7 grams


 - Used as a thickening agent.

 - Provides carbohydrates for energy.

Potatoes (1 cup diced)

 - Calories: 77 kcal

 - Protein: 2 grams

 - Fat: 0.1 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 17 grams

 - Fiber: 2.2 grams


 - Provides carbohydrates, fiber, and essential vitamins like vitamin C.

Shrimp (1 cup)

 - Calories: 99 kcal

 - Protein: 24 grams

 - Fat: 0.3 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 0.2 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams


 - High in protein and low in fat.

 - Provides essential nutrients like selenium and vitamin B12.

Scallops (1 cup)

 - Calories: 111 kcal

 - Protein: 20 grams

 - Fat: 1 gram

 - Carbohydrates: 3 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams


 - High in protein and low in fat.

 - Good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12 and magnesium.

White Fish (1 cup)

 - Calories: 90 kcal

 - Protein: 20 grams

 - Fat: 1 gram

 - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams


 - Lean protein source.

 - Provides essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

Frozen Corn Kernels (1 cup)

 - Calories: 96 kcal

 - Protein: 3.4 grams

 - Fat: 1.5 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 21 grams

 - Fiber: 2.7 grams


 - Good source of fiber and vitamins like vitamin C.

 - Adds sweetness and texture to dishes.

Dried Thyme (1 teaspoon)

 - Calories: 101 kcal

 - Protein: 5.4 grams

 - Fat: 1.7 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 24 grams

 - Fiber: 14 grams


 - Contains antioxidants and antimicrobial properties.

 - Enhances flavor and may aid digestion.

Bay Leaf (1 leaf)

 - Calories: 313 kcal

 - Protein: 7 grams

 - Fat: 8 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 75 grams

 - Fiber: 26 grams


 - Adds flavor to dishes.

 - Contains antioxidants and compounds that may support digestion.

Salt and Pepper (to taste)

 - Salt: 0 kcal (High sodium content)

 - Pepper: 255 kcal


 - Salt: Enhances flavor; essential for fluid balance.

 - Pepper: Adds flavor; may have antioxidant properties.

Fresh Parsley (for garnish)

 - Calories: 36 kcal

 - Protein: 3 grams

 - Fat: 0.8 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 6 grams

 - Fiber: 3.3 grams


 - Rich in vitamins A, C, and K.

 - Provides antioxidants and can aid digestion.

This information should help you understand the nutritional profile and benefits of the ingredients in your seafood chowder.


i'm just try to cook new things.
