Discover the art of making Landjäger, a traditional semi-dried sausage that's perfect for snacking or taking on your hiking adventures. This easy-to-follow recipe guides you through the process of preparing Landjäger at home, including ingredients, preparation steps, and tips for achieving the perfect texture and flavor.


- 1.5 lbs (700g) lean beef (cubed)

- 0.5 lbs (225g) pork fat (cubed)

- 1 cup (240ml) ice water

- 1/4 cup (60ml) red wine

- 1 tbsp salt

- 1 tbsp sugar

- 1 tsp black pepper

- 1 tsp garlic powder

- 1 tsp paprika

- 1/2 tsp ground coriander

- 1/2 tsp ground caraway seeds

- 1/4 tsp ground cloves

- 1/4 tsp curing salt (optional, for preservation)

- Sausage casings (hog casings or collagen casings)


Prepare the Meat: Grind the beef and pork fat through a medium-hole grinder. For a finer texture, you can grind the meat twice.

Mix Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the ground meat with salt, sugar, black pepper, garlic powder, paprika, coriander, caraway seeds, cloves, and curing salt (if using). Mix well.

Add Liquids: Pour in the ice water and red wine, mixing thoroughly until the mixture is well-combined and sticky.

Prepare Casings: Rinse the sausage casings under cold water and soak them according to package instructions. If using hog casings, you may need to soak them longer.

Stuff the Sausages: Carefully stuff the casings with the meat mixture, being cautious not to overfill. Tie off the ends of the casings securely.

Drying: Hang the sausages in a cool, dry place with good air circulation. Allow them to dry for 3-4 weeks, or until they reach the desired firmness. The sausages should be semi-dried, with a slightly firm texture but still a bit moist.

Storage: Once dried, Landjäger can be stored in a cool, dry place or refrigerated. For long-term storage, vacuum-seal and freeze.


- Adjust spices to your taste preferences.

- Ensure proper sanitation throughout the process to avoid contamination.

- If using curing salt, follow safety guidelines for usage.

Enjoy your homemade Landjäger as a tasty snack or a satisfying addition to your hiking gear!

Nutritional values

Lean Beef (700g, cubed)

- Calories: 250

- Protein: 26g

- Fat: 15g

- Carbohydrates: 0g


- High in protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.

- Provides important nutrients like Vitamin B12, iron, and zinc.

- Contains healthy fats, which are important for energy and cellular functions.

Pork Fat (225g, cubed)

- Calories: 900

- Protein: 2g

- Fat: 98g

- Carbohydrates: 0g


- Adds moisture and richness to the meat mixture, enhancing flavor and texture.

- Contains fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Ice Water (240ml, 1 cup)

- Calories: 0

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Carbohydrates: 0g

Benefits:Keeps the meat mixture cold, which is important for proper texture and consistency in sausage making.

Red Wine (60ml, 1/4 cup)

- Calories: 85

- Protein: 0.1g

- Fat: 0g

- Carbohydrates: 2.6g


- Adds depth of flavor and helps to tenderize the meat.

- Contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and resveratrol.

Salt (1 tbsp)

- Calories: 0

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Carbohydrates: 0g


- Essential for enhancing flavor and preserving the meat.

- Helps maintain fluid balance and proper nerve function; use in moderation.

Sugar (1 tbsp)

- Calories: 387

- Protein: 0g

- Fat: 0g

- Carbohydrates: 100g


- Adds sweetness and helps balance flavors.

- Provides a quick source of energy.

1 tsp black pepper

- Calories: 255

- Protein: 10g

- Fat: 3g

- Carbohydrates: 64g


- Contains piperine, which may enhance nutrient absorption.

- Provides antioxidants and potential anti-inflammatory benefits.

Garlic Powder (1 tsp)

- Calories: 330

- Protein: 6g

- Fat: 0.5g

- Carbohydrates: 72g


- Contains allicin, which has potential antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

- Adds robust flavor to the mixture.

Paprika (1 tsp)

- Calories: 282

- Protein: 14g

- Fat: 12g

- Carbohydrates: 54g


- Adds color and mild, sweet flavor to dishes.

- Rich in antioxidants, particularly Vitamin A.

Ground Coriander (1/2 tsp)

- Calories: 298

- Protein: 12g

- Fat: 15g

- Carbohydrates: 55g


- Contains antioxidants and essential oils that may aid digestion.

- Adds a unique flavor to the mixture.

Ground Caraway Seeds (1/2 tsp)

- Calories: 333

- Protein: 19g

- Fat: 14g

- Carbohydrates: 50g


- Contains antioxidants and compounds that may support digestion.

- Adds a distinctive, slightly sweet and nutty flavor.

Ground Cloves (1/4 tsp)

- Calories: 255

- Protein: 6g

- Fat: 4g

- Carbohydrates: 65g


- Rich in antioxidants and may have antimicrobial properties.

- Adds warmth and depth to the flavor profile.

Curing Salt (1/4 tsp, optional)

- Curing Salt: Contains sodium nitrite, used in small amounts for preservation and color enhancement.


- Helps prevent bacterial growth and extends shelf life.

- Adds a characteristic color and flavor to cured meats.

Sausage Casings (Hog Casings or Collagen Casings)

- Hog Casings: Edible and provide texture; nutritional values are minimal.

- Collagen Casings: Non-edible, used for uniform size and shape in commercial production.


- Natural casings contribute to the sausage's texture and flavor.

- Collagen casings provide consistency and are often used in large-scale production.


i'm just try to cook new things.
