Discover how to make the perfect homemade pita bread with this easy-to-follow recipe. Soft, fluffy, and ideal for wraps, this pita bread recipe will elevate your meals with its fresh, warm flavor. Perfect for stuffing with your favorite fillings or serving alongside your favorite dips. 


- 2 teaspoons active dry yeast

- 1 ½ cups warm water (110°F)

- 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour

- 2 tablespoons olive oil

- 1 ½ teaspoons salt

- 1 teaspoon sugar


Prepare Yeast Mixture:

  - In a small bowl, dissolve the sugar in warm water. Sprinkle the yeast on top and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes, or until foamy.

Mix Dough:

  - In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Make a well in the center and pour in the yeast mixture and olive oil. Stir until the dough starts to come together.

Knead Dough:

  - Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for about 6-8 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and elastic.

First Rise:

  - Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a damp cloth, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-1.5 hours, or until doubled in size.

Shape Pitas:

  - Punch down the dough and divide it into 8 equal portions. Roll each portion into a circle about ¼ inch thick.


  - Preheat your oven to 475°F (245°C) and place a baking sheet or pizza stone inside to heat. Place the rolled dough on a piece of parchment paper and transfer to the hot baking sheet. Bake for 5-7 minutes, or until the pita bread puffs up and is lightly golden.


  - Remove from the oven and let the pita bread cool on a wire rack. Serve warm or store in an airtight container for later use.

Enjoy your homemade pita bread with your favorite fillings or dips!

Nutritional Values:

Active Dry Yeast:

 - Calories: 7

 - Protein: 1 gram

 - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

 - Fiber: 0 grams

 - Fat: 0 grams


 - Probiotics: Yeast is a source of beneficial bacteria that supports gut health.

 - B Vitamins: Yeast is rich in B vitamins, which aid in energy metabolism and support overall health.

Warm Water: 

 - Calories: 0

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams

 - Fat: 0 grams


 - Hydration: Essential for maintaining hydration and supporting bodily functions.

 - Dissolution: Helps activate yeast and combine ingredients effectively.

All-Purpose Flour:

 - Calories: 455

 - Protein: 13 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 95 grams

 - Fiber: 3 grams

 - Fat: 1 gram


 - Energy: Provides carbohydrates for energy.

 - Versatility: A staple in many recipes, contributing to a wide range of baked goods.

Olive Oil:

 - Calories: 120

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams

 - Fat: 14 grams (mostly monounsaturated fat)


 - Heart Health: Rich in monounsaturated fats that can reduce the risk of heart disease.

 - Antioxidants: Contains antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols that support overall health.


 - Calories: 0

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams

 - Sodium: 2,325 milligrams


- Flavor Enhancement: Improves taste and enhances the flavors of other ingredients.

 - Electrolyte Balance: Sodium is essential for maintaining fluid balance and proper nerve function.


 - Calories: 16

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Carbohydrates: 4 grams

 - Fiber: 0 grams

 - Fat: 0 grams


 - Yeast Activation: Provides food for yeast, aiding in the rising process of the dough.

 - Energy: Provides a quick source of energy.

These ingredients combine to create a nutritious and versatile pita bread that is both delicious and beneficial.


i'm just try to cook new things.
