Discover the heartwarming flavors of Galicia with our traditional Caldo Gallego recipe. This iconic Galician soup, known for its rustic charm and wholesome ingredients, features a hearty blend of greens, potatoes, and optional chorizo, creating a comforting dish that reflects the rich culinary heritage of the region. Perfect for chilly evenings or gatherings with loved ones, this soul-soothing soup captures the essence of Galician cuisine in every savory spoonful. Dive into a bowl of tradition and savor the taste of Galicia with our Caldo Gallego recipe.


  • 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) lacón (ham shoulder), bone-in
  • 1 kg (2.2 lbs) turnip greens (grelos), trimmed and washed
  • 4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled
  • Salt, to taste


1- Rinse the lacón under cold water to remove any excess salt. Place it in a large pot and cover with cold water.

2- Add the bay leaves and cloves of garlic to the pot. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low and let it simmer gently for about 2 hours, or until the lacón is tender. Skim off any foam that rises to the surface during cooking.

3- While the lacón is cooking, blanch the turnip greens in a separate pot of boiling salted water for about 5 minutes. Drain them well and set aside.

4- After the lacón has simmered for 2 hours, add the potatoes to the pot. Continue cooking until the potatoes are tender, about 20-30 minutes.

5- Once the lacón and potatoes are cooked through, carefully remove them from the pot and set them aside to cool slightly.

6- Slice the lacón into thick slices and arrange them on a serving platter.

7- Arrange the cooked turnip greens and potatoes around the lacón on the platter.

8- Serve the lacón con grelos hot, accompanied by crusty bread and a glass of wine for an authentic Galician dining experience.

Enjoy your Lacón con Grelos, a traditional dish that captures the essence of Galicia's culinary heritage!

Nutritional Values :

Lacón (ham shoulder):

  • Calories: 100 calories per 3 oz (85g) serving
  • Protein: 17g
  • Fat: 3g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Sodium: Varies depending on preparation; typically high due to curing process


  • Excellent source of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair.
  • Provides essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins, which are important for overall health and energy metabolism.
  • Although it can be high in sodium, it can still be part of a balanced diet when consumed in moderation.

Turnip greens (grelos):

  • Calories: 18 calories per cup (55g) serving
  • Protein: 1.5g
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.8g
  • Fiber: 2.1g
  • Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, potassium, and iron


  • Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, which support immune function, vision health, and blood clotting.
  • High in fiber, promoting digestive health and aiding in weight management.
  • Contains antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.


  • Calories: 110 calories per medium potato (173g)
  • Protein: 3g
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Carbohydrates: 26g
  • Fiber: 2.5g
  • Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese


  • Good source of carbohydrates, providing energy for physical activity and brain function.
  • High in vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports immune function and collagen production for healthy skin.
  • Rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and maintain proper muscle and nerve function.
  • Contains fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes feelings of fullness, supporting weight management.

Please note that these values are approximate and can vary based on factors such as cooking methods and specific varieties of ingredients used. Additionally, the sodium content of lacón can vary depending on the specific curing process and any additional seasonings used.


i'm just try to cook new things.
