Discover an easy and delightful Tapioca Cake recipe made from grated cassava and rich coconut milk. This baked dessert is perfect for those who enjoy dense, sweet treats. Learn how to create this popular dish with simple ingredients for a mouthwatering result.


- 2 cups grated cassava (tapioca)  

- 1 cup coconut milk  

- 1/2 cup sugar  

- 1/4 cup melted butter  

- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract  

- A pinch of salt  

- 1/4 cup condensed milk (optional for extra sweetness)  

- 1/4 cup shredded coconut (for topping)


Prepare the Batter:

  Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). In a large mixing bowl, combine grated cassava, coconut milk, sugar, melted butter, vanilla extract, and salt. Mix well until smooth.

Add Sweetness (Optional):

  For a sweeter taste, stir in the condensed milk.

Bake the Cake:

  Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the cassava mixture into it. Spread evenly. Top with shredded coconut.

Bake to Perfection:

  Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 45-60 minutes or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Cool and Serve:

  Allow the tapioca cake to cool before cutting into squares. Serve warm or chilled.

Enjoy this dense and sweet treat!

Nutritional values

Cassava (Tapioca) (2 cups, grated, about 300 grams)

 - Calories: About 160 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 38 grams

 - Protein: 1.4 grams

 - Fat: 0.3 grams

 - Fiber: 1.8 grams


 - Cassava is a rich source of carbohydrates, providing energy. It is also high in dietary fiber, which supports digestive health. Additionally, cassava contains vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, calcium, and potassium, although its nutritional profile is mainly focused on energy provision.

Coconut Milk (1 cup)

 - Calories: About 445 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 6 grams

 - Protein: 4 grams

 - Fat: 48 grams (mostly saturated fat)


 - Coconut milk adds a rich, creamy texture to dishes and contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can provide quick energy. It also provides vitamins C and E, as well as minerals such as iron and magnesium.

Sugar (1/2 cup)

 - Calories: About 400 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 100 grams

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Fat: 0 grams


 - Sugar adds sweetness to recipes. However, it should be consumed in moderation as excessive intake can lead to health issues like weight gain and diabetes.

Melted Butter (1/4 cup)

 - Calories: About 400 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 0 grams

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Fat: 45 grams (mostly saturated fat)


 - Butter adds a rich flavor and contributes to the texture of baked goods. It contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, but should be used in moderation due to its high saturated fat content.

Vanilla Extract (1/2 tsp)

 - Calories: About 6 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 1 gram

 - Protein: 0 grams

 - Fat: 0 grams


 - Vanilla extract adds flavor to recipes with minimal calories. It also contains antioxidants and has a pleasant aroma that enhances the overall taste of dishes.

Salt (A pinch)

 - Sodium content depends on the amount used.


 - Salt enhances the flavor of dishes and helps balance sweetness. However, it should be used in moderation to avoid excessive sodium intake.

Condensed Milk (1/4 cup, optional)

 - Calories: About 130 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 22 grams

 - Protein: 4 grams

 - Fat: 4 grams


 - Condensed milk adds extra sweetness and richness to recipes. It contains vitamins and minerals but is also high in sugar, so it should be used sparingly.

Shredded Coconut (1/4 cup, for topping)

 - Calories: About 90 kcal

 - Carbohydrates: 4 grams

 - Protein: 1 gram

 - Fat: 8 grams (mostly saturated fat)


 - Shredded coconut adds texture and flavor to dishes. It provides healthy fats, dietary fiber, and small amounts of vitamins and minerals, including iron and potassium. The fat in shredded coconut can be beneficial in moderation, providing energy and supporting overall health.

Combining these ingredients creates a sweet, creamy, and flavorful dish with a rich texture. Cassava provides a starchy base, while coconut milk and melted butter add creaminess. Sugar and condensed milk enhance sweetness, and shredded coconut adds a final touch of flavor and texture.


i'm just try to cook new things.
